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METS Editorial Board Meeting, DLF Nov. 2, 2012, Denver

leahprescott edited this page Jan 9, 2013 · 19 revisions

Meeting Called to Order around 9AM


  • Robin Wendler
  • Jukka Kervinen
  • Brian Tingle
  • Tom Habing
  • Claus Gravenhorst (for Tobias Steinke)
  • Sébastien Peyrard
  • Frederick Zarndt (guest)
Via teleconference:
  • Leah Prescott
  • Betsy McKelvey
  • Terry Catapano
  • Nancy Hoebelheinrich
  • Others on the phone?

Presentation on PREMIS 3.0 by Sebastien

Intellectual Entities become another kind of PREMIS Object

Environment becomes a new top-level PREMIS entity which can be associated with Object, Agent, or Event, and Environment can also be recursively associated with other Environment entities. Put Sebastien’s presentation on GitHub and provide a link to it.

Some discussion of the TOTEM Technical Registry for Emulations

Presentation on EAD Revisions by Brian

Programming as Pop Culture

Support for XLink is being dropped; the semantics will continue to be used, but not the namespace..

Relationship elements are being added in several areas. Some question as to what kind of relationship

Presentation on METS Abstract Model by Tom

Model was attempt to model all aspects of the existing XML Schema and to get a view of what modeling could look like for METS 2.0.

Question asked: Does the model have the potential to confuse people?

Link to the Model

Presentation on how Abstract Model might relate to RAMLET by Nancy

Look at Knoodl pages about Ramlet.

There was some discussion of CIDOC, described as FRBR for museums, but more complicated.

Ramlet derives a model from METS, but the purpose of deriving the model was to compare METS to other aggregation formats.

Ramlet has already pulled out a lot of what is in METS to create a data model.

Ramlet is really two parts: (1) the “core” data model and the mapping.

Consensus was that the Ramlet Core and Mappings to METS could inform the METS Abstract Model.

Presentation on Alternate and Higher-level Abstract Model by Sebastien

See PPT slide

(area) provided the most trouble in terms of creating an abstract data model.

Discussion on all the presented data models

Consensus was that the work should continue on Tom’s more detailed Abstract Model, informed by Ramlet and Sebastien’s high-level model. It was felt that this model would help both current schema users and implementers and would also inform work on any future METS models.

Break for Lunch around 12:30

Discussion About New Wiki for METS

Consensus was to start using GitHub for new working wiki and file sharing space for the METS Board. Brian has moved all the historical versions of the METS schema to GitHub ( ). There is also a wiki space( that will be used for all new METS Board business, including moving select material from the old SocialText wiki.

Discussion about New XSLT for rendering METS Profiles

After some discussion all agreed a new XSLT was need to render both the 1.0 and 2.0 profiles. It was suggested to look at the pigment library to do color coding of XML samples, and also look at the Muse Italia profile for styling. Tom will investigate options and produce a new stylesheet either for rendering profiles as either HTML or PDF. The newly rendered profiles will be kept on the LoC website. (Jenn Riley will send the old xslt stylesheet to Tom.)

Nancy Gave a Presentation on Copyright and Licensing Issues for METS Schema and Documentation

After the presentation and discussion it was decided to pursue a CC0 license for both the schema and documentation. Rachel Frick joined the discussion toward the end and gave her approval of the plan. Betsy and Leah will put together a formal announcement of this decision. The complete METS board will first be given a chance to comment on the plan. A formal approval will be then need from DLF as the copyright holder. Finally, the LoC will need to approve the plan. Lastly all relevant METS schema and documents will need to have licensing terms attached or referenced.

Last Part of Meetings was devoted to open discussion of METS future developments

There was a brief discussion of last year’s affinity diagram which evolved into an informal SWOT analysis. See the SWOT PowerPoint created during the discussion.

Meeting was adjourned about 5:30

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