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METS Editorial Board
Meeting Notes
April 2, 2015

  • Discuss and approve two new METS Profiles: Spanish and Czech
    After an initial technical check of the profile, the two profiles were approved. Tom will give to Nate to publish on the website

  • Also discuss possibility of revising profile requirements, such as one language must be English and make REQLEVEL a mandatory attribute.
    --There was a discussion of whether or not the Board might want to revise the criteria for profiles.
    --In the past the Board has been fairly lenient but perhaps we should mandate that one language in each profile should be English.
    --Karin mentioned that in Sweden they have sections for English, Spanish and French.
    --An Asian profile in the registry could have issues with character sets.
    --There may be profiles already registered that don't have English
    --A weaker proposal would be to mandate an abstract and title in English
    --The group agreed that there should be an English requirement
    --Leah will look at the profile requirements and see what edits we need to make to put the requirement in place.

    --Discussed whether REQLVL should be a required attribute
    --It would make the profile easier to read, especially for programmers who want to know what is mandatory.
    --Existing profiles won't have to go back and edit but we could require it going forward.
    --Not changing the schema, but strongly encouraging profile creators to use the existing attribute

  • Announce New Working Group on METS 2.0 Use Cases - Jean-Philippe has agreed to lead a small working group to develop potential use cases for METS 2.0 that can be presented at our face-to-face meeting at iPres in November.
    --2 or 3 use cases - almost like METS profile
    --One for a book, one for a postcard, etc.
    --The deadline is the the conference (Nov. 2nd)
    --Nancy and Andreas agreed to work with Jean-Philippe, and it was suggested that Bertrand Caron might be willing to help as well
    --Announcement will be made on METS mailing list so others who aren't on the call can join if interested.

  • METS 1.x change request from Bertrand Caron of BNF to add LABEL, ORDER, ORDERLABEL (of xsd:anyAttribute) to the area element to support 3D objects (specifically globes). May also want to add these to par and seq elements.
    --Jerry suggested parallel <par> and sequential <seq> sub-elements --It was also suggested that they could use <xsd:any> in the <area> element - that would be flexible and more easily transitioned to 2.0. --Tom will get back to Bertrand and suggest <xsd:any> and get his reaction. We will then go from there. If it will work for him, Tom will draft the change.

  • Begin planning for the iPres conference, November 2-6, Chapel Hill, NC, USA; workshop/tutorial proposals due May 15, papers due April 12
    --We will have results of the 2.0 working group
    --Some repeats from London and some new content as well
    --Could almost re-use the proposal from last year
    --There will be lots of PREMIS people - they will also be doing a tutorial - perhaps we could do something together
    --Update guidelines from PREMIS 3 - using METS 1
    --They are in the final stages of publishing PREMIS guidelines - they will be ready around the same time as iPres.
    --There will be more information about hardware and operating system; also intellectual entity
    --Karin will share as soon as she has something
    --Need a small working group to put together proposal (Betsy?)
    --Leah will start by putting copy of the London proposal on the wiki (
    --The Board will have a conference call meeting on May 14th to make final revisions, etc. and submit on the 15th.

  • If time allows, discuss the PAIS METS Test Case that was submitted by Bertrand Caron of BNF.
    --PAIS (Producer-Archive Interface Specification) provides a standard method for packaging information objects as SIPs (Submission Information Packages).
    --PAIMAS - "Identifies and provides a structure for the interactions which take place between an information producer and a deposit archive. The standard covers the first stages of the ingest process defined by OAIS. It identifies the phases required for transferring information, and defines objectives, actions and expected results for each phase. It provides a methodological framework for achieving the phases and forms the basis for identifying and developing standards and technologies to support their delivery." --Concrete instantiation of abstract concept - list of things for ingest procedures - steps and things to be aware of --Complex; lots that is specific to only certain use cases --Bertrand submitted a METS instantiation - should be written as a METS profile --Everyone should take a look and respond to the METS list with any comments.

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