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METS Board Teleconference Summary
Thursday, January 23, 2014
Attending: Betsy Post (recording), Thomas Habing, Markus Enders, Richard Gartner, Nancy Hoebelheinrich, Leah Prescott, Tobias Steinke, Brian Tingle, Nate Trail, Robin Wendler, Jean-Philippe Moreux, Frederick Zarndt

Membership Discussion

  • Membership policies are documented on LC site
  • Membership Committee:
    • Tom
    • Betsy
    • Robin
    • Richard
  • Membership Committee charge:
    • Review applications (January/February)
    • Make recommendations (Late February)
    • Poll non-active members about current level of interest/commitment
    • Consider:
      • Categories of membership
      • Weed down resumes based on categories
      • Conduct interview
      • Present resumes and interview responses
      • Consider technical skills and modelling skills for METS 2.0 development needs
  • Betsy will forward applications to all Board members
### Updates
  • METS listserv problems (Tom)
    • Problem affects METS list and METS-Board
    • Some of Tom's e-mails are not being posted – with no warning to Tom
    • Problem could be complex messages with html tags; simple messages seem to go through
    • Tom will send Nate "failed" for troubleshooting
  • METS 1.10 Schema (Tom)
    • Will be posted on LC site shortly
  • ALTO (Frederick)
    • Announcement re 2.1 draft will go out today
    • ALTO Board is beginning to use GitHub to support its work
  • RAMLET (Nancy)
    • IEEE conformance statement of METS to RAMLET has been approved and published by IEEE
    • Nancy will send a message to the broader METS list
### Review of Current Year's Goals **Goal #1: METS 1.0 maintenance**
Stay the course. Tom is finding GitHub issue tracking system useful; will continue his effective management of the process.

**Goal #2: Focus on documentation for 1.10 including updating Primer**

  • Leah has recruited Georgetown Law staff who are new to METS to do a close reading of the Primer. They are taking notes and giving feedback about what is confusing. She will analyze the feedback and incorporate it into a draft for an updated edition.
  • Nancy will contact Leah about Primer errors discovered during RAMLET work and reported on the SocialText wiki. Expect that the revisions will be minor.
  • Leah can access the public SocialText and has moved much stuff over to GitHub. Brian will try to get Leah onto the private part of SocialText using her new contact info. If this fails, Betsy will download the content and share it with Leah.
  • The new edition will need to incorporate the latest version of schema METS Profile
**Goal# 3: Continue METS 2.0 data modeling exploration and development**
We will defer the creation of the small subgroup that will work on this until we identify the new Board members. We will consider the needs for this goal as we review applications. ### Catalogs – Statement Recommendations
Leah identified to take on the following task:
_Add something to our documentation indicating it is a best practice to make catalogs and a reference that shows how to make/implement a catalog._
  • We may want to refer to best practices in our Primer, but also on a METS page on the wiki or LC site.
  • Betsy will forward to Leah e-mails sent during the recent government shutdown.
  • Jukka Kervinen may also be a resource as we believe he implemented a catalog during the shutdown.
### Face-to-Face Meeting Fall 2014 Fall 2014 meeting will take place in conjunction with the Sept 8-12 joint JCDL/TPDL meeting to be held in London at the British Library. A small group will work on a proposal for a workshop or paper in time for the March submission deadlines:
  • Nancy
  • Richard
  • Markus
  • Tom

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