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slack random 2020 05 26

akabeko edited this page Jun 14, 2020 · 1 revision


Time (UTC) Icon Name Message
01:33 shinyu CSSでの改行変換規則を改良して日本語・中国語でも使えるものにする私の提案について、
CSS Text 3の3人のエディター(fantasai, Koji Ishii, Florian Rivoal)のひとりであるKoji Ishiiさんに私の提案は反対されていたのだけど、fantasaiが “MurakamiShinyu’s argument is convincing to me. …” と支持。Florianからは:+1:。CSS仕様への提案が通りそうでうれしい。
01:33 Kiara Translation 🇬🇧: Regarding my proposal to improve the line feed conversion rule in CSS so that it can be used in Japanese and Chinese,
Koji Ishii, one of the three CSS Text 3 editors (fantasai, Koji Ishii, Florian Rivoal), opposed my proposal, but fantasai supported it as “MurakamiShinyu's argument is convincing to me.…”. .. From Florian: +1 :. I am glad that the proposal for the CSS specification will pass.
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