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Week 1_4(en): Linking Pages and Understanding Attributes

njs03332 edited this page Jul 10, 2018 · 1 revision

Linking Pages and Understanding Attributes

Now let's try making links between pages to fully exploit HTML (HyperText Markup Language)!

Creating a link to an existing page

Your index.html file will look like this now.

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
      <title>Yuri's Page!</title>
    <h1>This is my first page.</h1>
    <p>I am very proud of it.</p>

Let's try adding the sentence 'Check out my GitHub repo!' and make the word 'GitHub repo' contain a link to your GitHub repository (named <username>
This means that if you click the word GitHub, you will be led to the main page of your GitHub repository.

To do this, we use the <a> tag.
Try modifying your code like below. (Fill in your GitHub account username in <username>.)

    <h1>This is my first page.</h1>
      Check out my first 
      <a href="<username>/<username>">GitHub repo</a>!

Run Preview and preview on your browser to check the result.
c9-preview browser

Introduction to <a> tags and attributes

As seen above, the <a> tag makes the content into HyperText.
When using an <a> tag, the attribute href is required.
We indicate the destination address of the link as the value of the attribute like in the above code.

What are attributes?

  • All HTML elements can have attributes
  • Attributes provide additional information about an element
  • Attributes are always specified in the start tag
  • Attributes usually come in name/value pairs like: name="value"

There are many different kind of attributes and different kinds of tags require different attributes.

Creating a link to a new page

Creating a new page

First, let's create a new page.
Add a new file named details.html in your workspace.
Type in the following code and save the file. (Feel free to modify the content of the code!)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <h1>Details about me</h1>
      <li>I live in Seoul.</li>
      <li>I love dogs.</li>
      <li>I have two sisters.</li>

Now add the following code right after the <h1> element in your index.html file.

  <a href="details.html">Learn more about me.</a>

Run preview to check that the link works properly.

Finally, let's go back to your details.html file and add the code below.

    <a href="index.html">Go back to Yuri's page.</a>

Run preview on your browser and link through your pages!

More attributes of the <a> tag

The <a> tag can have other attributes. Let's check some of them!

The title attribute

Try modifying a part of your index.html code as below.

  <a href="details.html" title="Yuri's Detail Page">Learn more about me.</a>

Run preview and try moving your mouse over the text 'Learn more about me.' title_tooltip
As seen above, the value of a title attribute is shown as a tooltip text when the mouse moves over the element in the browser.

The id attribute

By using the id attribute, lead the user to a specific point in a page.
To test this, change your details.html content as below. (Copy and paste by using Ctrl + v, Ctrl + z)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <h1>Details about me</h1>
      <li>I live in Seoul.</li>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
      <li>I love dogs.</li>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
      <li>I have two sisters.</li>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
      <li id="detail5">detail5</li>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>
        <p>Hey do you ? I do to !</p>
        <p>Me Too</p>
        <p>Me three</p>
        <p>Me four</p>

Notice that the 5th <li> element has the attribute id set as detail5.
Then modify a part of your index.html file like below.

  <a href="details.html" title="Yuri's Detail Page">Learn more about me.</a>
  I am especially proud of my <a href="details.html#detail5">5th detail.</a>

By putting id value of a specific element after # in the end of the link address, you can let the user move to a specific location in a page.

The target attribute

What if you wanted to open a new tab to link to a new page?
If you set the target attribute as "_blank" in your <a> tag, the browser will always open up a new tab with the linked page.
Try adding a target attribute anywhere in your code to make the browser behave in this way!

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