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Stefano Balietti edited this page Nov 8, 2021 · 4 revisions

Widgets-steps are a particular type of steps where a widget is loaded in the frame waiting for some input from the user.

When node.done() is called, the widget checks if any action from the user is still required; if so, the game won't step forward. If everything is in order, the return value from the widget's getValues() is passed as input parameter to node.done() and sent to the server.


To create a widget-step, just extend an existing step with a widget property containing the name of the desired widget, e.g. MoodGauge:

stager.extendStep("mood", { widget: "MoodGauge" });

Below is an example with all the available options.

stager.extendStep("mood", {

    widget: {
        // Name of the widget to load.
        name: 'MoodGauge',

        // Optional custom id.
        id: 'my_widget_id', // Default: 'ng_step_widget_' + name

        // Optional id of the root element for the widget.
        root: 'append-to-this-root', // Default: an element with id
                                     // 'widget-container', or the
                                     // document.body element of the IFRAME, or
                                     // the document.body element of the page.

        // Do not append the widget,
        // just make it available in node.widgets.instances
        append: false, // Default: TRUE.

        // Do not check if values are correct (as returned by `getValues()`).
        checkValues: false, // Default: TRUE.

        // Widget-specific options.
        choices: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
        emotions: [ 'Upset', 'Active' ]

        // Before v7.1.0, widget-specific options needed to specified inside
        // an options object. This is no longer necessary, but still allowed.
        // options: {
        //     choices: [ 1, 2, 3 ],
        //     emotions: [ 'Upset', 'Active' ]
        // }

    // Optional step properties.

    // Frame.
    frame: 'my/custom/frame.html', // Default: a blank page.

    // Callback.
    cb: function() { ... },        // Executed after the widget
                                   // is appended.

    // Done.
    done: function(values) { ... } // Executed if there are no errors,
                                   // it receives the return value of
                                   // the getValues() method as input parameter.


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