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AIWC Rules P8

Chansol Hong edited this page Aug 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

Previous Page - Section 2 - Rules (7/9)

Section 2 - RULES

10) Goal Kick

A goal kick can happen after either a deadlock in penalty area, penalty area fouls, or a ball out. In the goal kick, one team gets the ball ownership and initiates the game by the owner team’s GK robot kicking the ball. Within a goal kick, no robots except the ball owner team’s GK robot can move until one of following happens:

① The ball owner team’s GK robot kicks the ball.

② 3 seconds have been passed without the ball touched by the robot.

Goal Kick Formation (Ball Owner: Team A)

Goal Kick Formation Positions and Orientations
Team A
Ball Owner
Team B
Not Ball Owner
GK (-3.8, 0.0) π/2 (3.8, 0.0) -π/2
D1 (-2.5, 0.45) 0 (0.5, -0.8) π
D2 (-2.5, -0.45) 0 (0.5, 0.8) π
F1 (-1.5, 0.8) 0 (-0.5, -0.45) π
F2 (-1.5, -0.8) 0 (-0.5, 0.45) π
Soccer Ball (-3.25, 0)

In case when Team B is the ball owner, the positions and orientations will be rotated by π with two team’s roles swapped.

Next Page - Section 2 - Rules (9/9)