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AIWC Rules P7

Chansol Hong edited this page Aug 7, 2019 · 2 revisions

Previous Page - Section 2 - Rules (6/9)

Section 2 - RULES

9) Penalty Kick

A penalty kick can happen after either a deadlock in penalty area or penalty area fouls. In the penalty kick, one team gets the ball ownership and initiates the game by the owner team’s F2 robot kicking the ball. Within a penalty kick, no robots except the ball owner team’s F2 robot can move until one of following happens:

① The ball owner team’s F2 robot kicks the ball.

② 3 seconds have been passed without the ball touched by the robot.

Penalty Kick Formation (Ball Owner: Team A)

Penalty Kick Formation Positions and Orientations
Team A
Ball Owner
Team B
Not Ball Owner
GK (-3.8, 0.0) π/2 (3.8, 0.0) -π/2
D1 (0.5, -0.8) 0 (1.5, 0.8) -π/2
D2 (1.0, -0.8) 0 (1.5, 1.05) -π/2
F1 (1.5, -0.8) 0 (1.25, 0.8) -π/2
F2 (2.0, 0) 0 (1.25, 1.05) -π/2
Soccer Ball (2.95, 0)

In case when Team B is the ball owner, the positions and orientations will be rotated by π with two team’s roles swapped.

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