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Getting started
[See accompanying video]
Once you’ve downloaded along-tract-stats
and set up your MATLAB path as described in the README
, the first thing to do is to check that the path setup is actually working.
First check that MATLAB can find the FSL tool to load MRI volumes:
help read_avw
[img, dims,scales,bpp,endian] = READ_AVW(fname)
Read in an Analyze or nifti file into either a 3D or 4D array (depending on the header information) fname is the filename (must be inside single quotes) Note: automatically detects - unsigned char, short, long, float double and complex formats Extracts the 4 dimensions (dims), 4 scales (scales) and bytes per pixel (bpp) for voxels contained in the Analyze or nifti header file (fname) Also returns endian = 'l' for little-endian or 'b' for big-endian
See also: save_avw
Now check that MATLAB can find the along-tract-stats tool to load in TrackVis tract groups:
help trk_read
TRK_READ - Load TrackVis .trk files
Syntax: [header,tracks] = trk_read(filePath)
Inputs: filePath - Full path to .trk file [char]
Outputs: header - Header information from .trk file [struc] tracks - Track data struc array [1 x nTracks] nPoints - # of points in each track matrix - XYZ coordinates and associated scalars [nPoints x 3+nScalars] props - Properties of the whole tract
Other m-files required: none Subfunctions: get_header MAT-files required: none
See also: http://www.trackvis.org/docs/?subsect=fileformat
Once your path is set up correctly, it is useful to do a bit of exploring to see what is included. The names of all of the included MATLAB functions will start with trk...
. This makes it easy to get a quick function list:
lookfor trk
trk_add_sc - Adds a scalar value to each vertex in a .trk track group
trk_compile_data - Compiles along-tract data for subjects/hemispheres/tracts
trk_flip - Flip the ordering of tracks
trk_interp - Interpolate tracks with cubic B-splines
trk_length - Calculate the lengths of tracks
trk_mean_sc - Calculate the mean scalar along a track
trk_plot - 3D plot of TrackVis .trk track group
trk_read - Load TrackVis .trk files
trk_restruc - Restrucutres track data between matrix and strucutre array forms
trk_stats - Compute intensity statistics about a volume within a track group
trk_stats_overlay - Overlay stats on an example subject's mean tract geometry
trk_stats_quick - TRK_STATS - Compute intensity statistics about a volume within a track group
trk_write - Write TrackVis .trk files
trk_write_ascii - Save a tract group in an ascii format for use in R
If you’re using the matlab GUI, you can then click on the names of the individual tools to quickly get more information about them. Alternatively, you can use the standard help <command_name>
syntax like we did before.
I try to use a consistent header format, so when you ask for help on a command, you can expect to see these things:
- An expanded description of the function
- Syntax description
- Inputs (with class and dimensions)
- Outputs
- Example usage
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