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MarkL edited this page Mar 1, 2014 · 4 revisions

List and description of all available videos in Theme Hospital


The table below consists of all available videos from the retail version of Theme Hospital. The files are located in the 'Intro' and 'Anims' folders in the installation directory of the game. If you want to play a video or convert it to another format, do like this:

(Windows only)


The LOSE and 320X240 files seem to be the same (same video), but file size and lenght varies a little bit. The ATTRACT files are the same, but the one in 'Intro' has music on it, the other is silent.


Filename Description Length (sec)
320X2401 Newspaper: Doctor pulls electrolyser handle 05
320X2402 Newspaper: Doctor is drunk/hung over 05
320X2403 Newspaper: Doctor caught kissing a nurse 09
320X2404 Newspaper: Doctor caught driving with a young nurse outside med. school 07
320X2405 Newspaper: Doctor caught digging a grave 12
320X2406 Newspaper: Doctor caught reading "nurse playboy" magazine in the toilet 09
AREA01V On the level map: Moving the player to level 1 03
AREA02V On the level map: Moving the player to level 2 03
AREA03V On the level map: Moving the player to level 3 03
AREA04V On the level map: Moving the player to level 4 03
AREA05V On the level map: Moving the player to level 5 03
AREA06V On the level map: Moving the player to level 6 03
AREA07V On the level map: Moving the player to level 7 03
AREA08V On the level map: Moving the player to level 8 03
AREA09V On the level map: Moving the player to level 9 03
AREA10V On the level map: Moving the player to level 10 03
AREA11V On the level map: Moving the player to level 11 03
AREA12V On the level map: Moving the player to level 12 04
AREA13V On the level map: Moving the player to mouse hunt level 1 07
AREA14V On the level map: Moving the player to mouse hunt level 2 07
ATTRACT Intro video - showing in game play (without music) 49
LOPAPER Newspaper: Lose screen? 01
LOSE1 Same as 320X2401 05
LOSE2 Same as 320X2402 05
LOSE3 Same as 320X2403 08
LOSE4 Same as 320X2404 07
LOSE5 Same as 320X2405 12
LOSE6 Same as 320X2406 10
MMENU1-0 Game start menu: "Einstein teacher" pulls down chart 12
MMENU2-0 Game start menu: "Einstein teacher" release chart 06
WINGAME Win game screen: Doctor with trophy 09
WINLEVEL Win level screen: letter opens up 02


Filename Description Length (sec)
ATTRACT Same as the other ATTRACT, but with music 49
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