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MarkL edited this page Mar 4, 2014 · 4 revisions


If you are adding documentation about a new keyboard shortcut please list the version number in which it was added in brackets after the description, see the existing content below for examples.

The following hotkeys are currently available in CorsixTH. Note that this page refers to the latest revision of CorsixTH, any key with a version number in brackets after it may not be available to you if you are running an old version of CorsixTH. Builds all the way back to the first beta can be found on the CorsixTH forums.

###General Hotkeys These hotkeys can always be used.

Key Effect
Arrow keys Scroll screen
Shift + Arrow keys Scroll screen faster
  • / - | Zoom in / out (DirectX only) Shift + \ - | Zoom in / out 5x (DirectX and SDL2) 1 | Set game speed to "slowest" 2 | Set game speed to "slower" 3 | Set game speed to "normal" 4 | Set game speed to "max speed" 5 | Set game speed to "and then some more" Z | Toggle game speed to "and then some more" whilst key is pressed and returning to previous speed on release (r2616) P | Pause / Unpause game C | Open the Drug Casebook T | Open the Town Map M | Open first fax message (if any are waiting) X | Toggle transparent walls whilst key is pressed, return to solid walls on release (r2616) Shift + S | Open the save game dialog Shift + L | Open the load game dialog Shift + Q | Quit from the game back to the main menu Alt + A | Toggle the announcements Alt + S | Toggle the sound effects Alt + M | Toggle the music Ctrl + S | Takes a screenshot (saved as screenshot#.bmp where the Saves are located) Shift + A | Toggle adviser Esc | Close the topmost window (if any are open) Alt + Enter | Toggle fullscreen Ctrl + Drag Window | Restricts window movement to set increments Ctrl + T | Dump all strings in the current language (Ctrl + Shift + D in versions 0.10-0.11) Spacebar/Esc | Skip in-game movies from the original Theme Hospital (0.20)

###Function Keys

These are in the same order as the buttons on the bottom tool bar; which will make it easier to remember. From version 0.20 these buttons and the function keys are "toggle". This means one click opens and one more click closes the screen.

Function Keys Action
F1 Bank Manager
F2 Statement Screen
F3 Staff Screen
F4 Town Map (T)
F5 Casebook (C)
F6 Research Screen (Research Room must be in hospital to view screen) (R)
F7 Status Screen
F8 Charts / Graph Screen
F9 Policy Screen
Shift + F10 Restart game (reloads .lua files)

###Debugging These additional hotkeys are available only if the game is run in debug mode.

Key Effect
X Toggle transparent walls (r619) Moved from debug menu (r2616)
Ctrl + D Dump game log (r715)
F11 Show cheat window (r1067, previously: Make adviser talk)
F12 Show lua console (r1044, previously: Show watch)

##Window Specific Hotkeys These hotkeys can be used if a specific window is currently opened.

###Furnish Corridor

Key Effect
Shift + Click Increase/decrease item quantity by 5
Ctrl + Click Increase/decrease item quantity by 10

###Patient Window

Key Effect
H Send patient home

###Edit Room / Place Objects Window

Key Effect
Esc Cancel (go back one step)
Enter Confirm (advance one step, if possible)
Spacebar Rotate object

###Bank Manager

Key Effect
Ctrl + Click Increase/decrease loan by maximum amount

###Queue Window

Key Effect
Shift + Click Increase/decrease maximum queue size by 5
Ctrl + Click Increase/decrease maximum queue size by 10

###Drug Casebook

Key Effect
Left / Right arrows Decrease/increase cost of the selected disease
Up / Down arrows Navigate up/down in the list
Shift + Click Increase/decrease treatment charge 5% at a time
Ctrl + Click Increase/decrease treatment
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