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Super Hackio edited this page Mar 14, 2024 · 3 revisions

This file contains scenario specific settings for a galaxy. This used to be contained inside ObjectData/SystemDataTable.arc and used to apply to the entire game, but this has been changed as of GLE-V2.

Name Data Type Description
ScenarioNo INT32 The Scenario this row of settings applies to. Set to -1 to make it apply to all scenarios (unless there's another entry with a specific scenario to override with).

Available Settings

Here is a list of settings and a description of what they do. Each setting is a BCSV Field (not BCSV Entry). The Data Type varies.
ON/OFF means that you use 0 for OFF, and 1 for ON (these are of the BYTE Data Type).
FLOAT means that you have a decimal number to work with (these are of the FLOAT Data Type).
STRING means that you input text here (these are of the STRING Data Type).

Setting Type Description
NoStarChance ON/OFF If set, the star that belongs to that scenario won't change the music when spawning in.
PlayAttackMan ON/OFF If set, the game will know that the scenario should display the High Score on the Scenario Select.
ScoreAttack ON/OFF If set, the game will create an internal SceneObj for use with Score Attack missions.
RaceId ID The Race ID. Needs to be greater than 0 if you want to use it.
RaceTutorial ON/OFF If set, the Fluzzard Tutorial will work properly.
ManualPurpleCoin ON/OFF If set, the game will not automatically spawn a Power Star when you collect 100 purple coins. Use this if you want to have an NPC (Gearmo's are the only NPC that can do this) spawn the star.
NoStopClock ON/OFF If set, the timer during Comet missions will continue ticking down even after the star has spawned. This includes after collecting 100 purple coins!
NoPause ON/OFF If set, disables pausing completely.
NoPauseReturn ON/OFF If set, the "Return to Map" button will be replaced with "Save and Quit"
NoPauseExit ON/OFF If set, the pause menu will only display a "Back" button.
StoryLayout ON/OFF If set, the Storyboard Layout that was used in the vanilla game's prologue will appear.
PeachStarGet ON/OFF If set, Princess Peach will attend the Star Get cutscene (like when you beat Bowser 3 in vanilla).
Only works with Grand Stars
PauseVol FLOAT Determines how the background music changes when paused.
0.0 = Pause the music (vanilla behaviour)
Anything else = The volume multiplier to use when pausing the game. The music will continue playing by doing this.
PauseStarSource STRING When used, the Star String used in the Pause Menu will be replaced with a Star String for the galaxy named in this field.
Leave blank to use vanilla behaviour.
NoWelcome ON/OFF If set, the "Welcome to the Galaxy" text will not appear when it otherwise would.
NoScenarioTitle ON/OFF If set, there will be no text shown during a ScenarioStarter fly-in.
NoBootOut SPECIAL If set, collecting the associated star will not remove you from the level that you are currently in.
See NoBootOut Stars for more information.

An empty template BCSV can be downloaded here.

NoBootOut Stars

NoBootOut Stars (often shortened to just "NBO Stars") are only available in GLE-V3 and onwards. These are special stars that do not remove you from the level you are currently in.

The NoBootOut ScenarioSetting has 3 options available:

  • 0 = Do not use NBO
  • 1 = Use NBO (This will keep the player's active powerup with the exception of Boo Mario)
  • 2 = Use NBO and remove the player's active powerup (Yoshi is excluded from this)

Note: Neither of the NBO options will keep held items like the Spin Drill or a Koopa Shell

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