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Super Hackio edited this page May 1, 2023 · 1 revision

TicoCoin, more commonly known as a Comet Medal, is an object that you place in the level editor in the ObjInfo file. Each stage has a flag that is set when you collect this coin and then get a star.

In GLE-V2 and up, stages do not need to have Comet Medals in them. This page describes how to exclude them from levels.

Disabling Comet Medals

By default, every stage will act like it has a Comet Medal. Here are steps on how to disable comet medals:

  1. Edit the GalaxyInfo.bcsv of the stage. Set the Param00Int of NoTicoCoin to 1.

Note: This makes the game consider a galaxy "complete" after you get all the stars. If you do not want this behavior, skip this step, but be warned that the game can no longer say you 100%-ed the save file.

  1. Edit the All Star List to make the Medal Pane of the galaxy be blank.

Note: This will only not show the Comet Medal icon in the All Star List and Galaxy Banner.

  1. Delete all instances of TicoCoin in the stage files (using a level editor).

Note: The GLE will not display the Comet Medal icon on the HUD unless a Comet Medal is loaded into memory at the time.

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