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New Controller

Oliver Fischer edited this page Mar 18, 2022 · 1 revision


Some commonalities are required for every controller. Refer to implemented controllers (such as OSC) if things are unclear. The ControllerPCC class provides you with a strong base. It takes care of updating state and model automatically so you do not need to worry about that. It also contains functions for setting reference positions and actuating which you can use out of the box.


You'll want to base your controller off of ControllerPCC. To do this include the ControllerPCC.h in your header. When creating your class, make it a child of ControllerPCC:

class MyController: public ControllerPCC {


Control Loop

Your control loop run in its own thread. To do this, create a control loop function:

void control_loop

and call it in the constructor:

control_thread_ = std::thread(&YourController::control_loop, this);

Make sure your controller doesn't move before receiving any references by adding following to the control loop:

if (!is_initial_ref_received)

Refer to existing controllers such as OSC for more details.


Make sure your loops terminate and threads are joined in the destructor.

I want to add a new controller, how do I do that?

First, we'll need to do some management stuff to ensure you can write it correctly.


Put your header file in include/3d-soft-trunk/Controllers/ Put your implementation file in src/Controllers


So that the project will take your new controller into account, you'll have to edit the main CMake file. It is called CMakeLists.txt and is in the main directory.

Add a new library for your controller and link dependencies (around line 70):

add_library(YourController SHARED src/Controllers/YourController.cpp)
target_link_libraries(YourController ControllerPCC YourControllerDependency1)