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Joseph R. Kiniry edited this page Mar 6, 2013 · 1 revision

= Votail: A Formally Specified and Verified Ballot Counting System for Irish PR-STV Elections =

'''Research Area''': Electronic Voting Technologybr '''Year''': 2010br '''Type of Publication''': In Collectionbr '''Keywords''': Votailbr '''Authors''': Dermot Cochran, Joseph Kiniry

== !BibTex == {{{#!html

<textarea style="width: 400px; height:250px;"> @incollection{CochranKiniry10, author = "Cochran, Dermot and Kiniry, Joseph", abstract = "Votail is an open source Java implementation of Irish Proportional Representation by Single Transferable Vote (PR-STV). Its functional requirements, derived from Irish electoral law, are formally specified using the Business Object Notation (BON) and refined to a Java Modeling Language (JML) specification. Formal methods are used to verify and validate the correctness of the software. This is the first public release of a formally verified PR-STV open source system for ballot counting and the most recent of only about half a dozen releases of formally verified e-voting software.", booktitle = "Pre-proceedings of FoVeOSS 2010", keywords = "Votail", title = "{V}otail: {A} {F}ormally {S}pecified and {V}erified {B}allot {C}ounting {S}ystem for {I}rish {PR}-{STV} {E}lections", url = "", year = "2010", } </textarea>


== Abstract == Votail is an open source Java implementation of Irish Proportional Representation by Single Transferable Vote (PR-STV). Its functional requirements, derived from Irish electoral law, are formally specified using the Business Object Notation (BON) and refined to a Java Modeling Language (JML) specification. Formal methods are used to verify and validate the correctness of the software. This is the first public release of a formally verified PR-STV open source system for ballot counting and the most recent of only about half a dozen releases of formally verified e-voting software.

Full text: htdocs:papers/CochranKiniry10.pdf

[ Online version]

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