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= In the press =
{{{#!div class=news_entry == E-elections will come despite criticism == ''[http://altinget.dk Altinget] and [http://version1.dk Version2], 6-7. January 2013''
Version2 interviews Carsten Schürmann and Joseph Kiniry after the publication of the ministers response to the hearing process of the DemTech comments on the Danish law proposal for electronic elections.
''E-elections will come despite criticism''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == E-elections should be treated as the controls for an Airbus A380 == ''[http://version2.dk], 11. January 2013''
Version2 interviews Carsten Schürmann on the new electronic elections movements in Denmark.
''E-elections should be treated as the controls for an Airbus A380''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == DemTech comments on the Danish law proposal for electronic elections == ''[http://version2.dk], 17. December 2012''
Version2 referenced the comments made by DemTech on the new law proposal for electronic elections in Denmark.
''DemTech comments on the Danish law proposal for electronic elections''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == The big risk of electronic elections == ''[http://computerworld.dk], 24. October 2012''
Even though electronic elections seems tempting there are several obstacle. And if the fundamental trust in the democratic system weakens it could have catastrophic consequences. By Carsten Schürmann.
''The big risk of electronic elections''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == A long way to online elections == ''[http://www.dr.dk/P1 DR P1 radio], 22. October 2012''
In an interview on the Danish Radio P1, Christopher Gad explained some of the important aspects to consider when implementing an electronic and online election.
''A long way to online elections''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == Debate: Drop the idea of internet elections in Denmark == ''[http://politiken.dk Politiken], 19. October 2012''
At the municipality election in Norway, September 2011, voters in nine municipalities got the opportunity to vote over the internet. In this article two DemTech researchers - Randi Markussen and Christopher Gad - argues that a number of substantial problems hides under the surface and recommends not to experiement with these technologies - yet.
''Drop the idea of internet elections''. }}} {{{#!div class=news_entry == E-elections in Denmark workshop == ''Version 2, The Engineer, 14-15 May 2012''
In collaboration with [http://www.tekno.dk/ The Danish Board of Technology] and DemTech, The Danish [http://oeim.dk/ Ministry of Economic Affairs and the Interior] held a workshop entitled '''E-elections in Denmark - how?''' (danish: ''E-valg i Danmark - hvordan?'') on the 15. of May 2012 ([http://evalg.teknoprojekt.dk/ link]).
Read more E-elections in Denmark workshop. }}} {{{#!div class=news_entry == Modernizing the Danish democratic process == ''11. October 2011''
Carsten Schürmann authored an article entitled "''Modernizing the Danish democratic process''" in the [http://www.acm.org/ Association in the Computing Machinery (ACM)].
''Modernizing the Danish democratic process''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry WikiInclude(Electronic elections on DR P1) }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == PROSA article on Electronic Elections == ''PROSA, 29 May 2011''
[http://www.prosa.dk/ PROSA], the union representing IT workers in Denmark, published an article on e-voting on 13 May 2011 titles "[http://www.prosa.dk/aktuelt/nyhed/artikel/elektroniske-valg-kommer-foerst-om-flere-aar/ Elektroniske valg kommer først om flere år]" (''electronic elections won't arrive in years'').
Read more PROSA article on Electronic Elections. }}}