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Joseph R. Kiniry edited this page Mar 6, 2013 · 1 revision

=== Security Analysis of Scantegrity System === As his bachelor thesis Amir Rached studied the [ Scantegrity] voting system. Scantegrity uses an optical scanner to improve the security on common electronic voting systems. Amir found, however, that there was a large gap between the theory presented by David Chaum et al. (see reference 1 and 2 below) and the actual implementation found at the [ Scantegrity website].

The full paper can be htdocs:papers/scantegrity_analysis.pdf.

  1. David Chaum et al., Scantegrity II: End-to-end Verifiability for Optical Scan Election Systems using Invisible Ink Confirmation Codes ([ html]) or ([ pdf]).

  2. David Chaum et al., [ Scantegrity: End-to-end voter-verifiable optical- scan voting (pdf)].

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