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Joseph R. Kiniry edited this page Mar 6, 2013 · 1 revision

= Formally Counting Electronic Votes (But Still Only Trusting Paper) =

'''Research Area''': Electronic Voting Technology br '''Year''': 2007 br '''Type of Publication''': In Proceedings

== !BibTex == {{{#!html

<textarea class="bibtex"> @conference{Kiniry07, author = "", abstract = "In this extended abstract we summarize our consulting work, scientific research, and activism in the topic of electronic (computer-based) voting. The Dutch and Irish government’s activities are our particular focus, as is the Kiezen op Afstand (KOA) system, an experimental platform for electronic voting research with formal methods. We also reflect on the current state of affairs in The Netherlands and Ireland, and discuss next research steps in trustworthy, verified electronic voting systems.", booktitle = "Proceedings of ICECCS '07", title = "{F}ormally {C}ounting {E}lectronic {V}otes ({B}ut {S}till {O}nly {T}rusting {P}aper)", url = "", year = "2007", } </textarea>


== Abstract== In this extended abstract we summarize our consulting work, scientific research, and activism in the topic of electronic (computer-based) voting. The Dutch and Irish government’s activities are our particular focus, as is the Kiezen op Afstand (KOA) system, an experimental platform for electronic voting research with formal methods. We also reflect on the current state of affairs in The Netherlands and Ireland, and discuss next research steps in trustworthy, verified electronic voting systems.

Full text: htdocs:papers/Kiniry-JFormallyCountingVotes.pdf

[ Online version]

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