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= Joseph Kiniry = Image(htdocs:img/joseph.jpg)
== Personal Information ==
||Position || Professor ||Email || [email protected] ||Research Area || Electronic Voting Technology ||Phone or fax || DTU: +45 45 25 37 11 and ITU: +45 5014 9922 ||Location || DTU 322.017 and ITU 4D16 ||Description || Joe is the Head of Software Engineering and Full Professor in the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling at the Technical University of Denmark. He is also a Guest Professor at the IT University of Copenhagen. There, he is a member of the Software Development Group (SDG) and Programming, Logic, and Semantics (PLS) group. He is an internationally recognized researcher in program verification and electronic voting technology. He has contributed to advisory panels for electronic national and European elections in both the Netherlands and Ireland. br With members of his [http://www.kindsoftware.com/ KindSoftware] research group, he has developed several technologies focused on designing, developing, testing, and verifying election-related software. br br Questions about security, hacking elections, and developing verified e-voting technology should be addressed to Joe. ||Personal page || http://www2.imm.dtu.dk/~jkin/
== Teams ==
== Publications ==
- htdocs:papers/CochranKiniry10.pdf
- htdocs:papers/KiniryCochranTierney-EVT07.pdf
- htdocs:papers/KiniryEtal06.pdf
- htdocs:papers/HubbersKiniryOostdijk.pdf
== Talks ==
- [https://docs.google.com/a/demtech.dk/leaf?id=0B36cuW5BGzNwNDI4Yzc5NjktYzkyNi00MTIwLThhZjYtOTcxMzE0ZWJjMzg5&sort=name&layout=list&num=50 Reflections on Voting in Denmark and a DemTech Update] (''20 September 2011'')
== In the news == {{{#!div class=news_entry WikiInclude(På få uger vil de rette folk kunne knuse cpr-systemet) }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == [http://www.information.dk/318046 It-eksperter: CPR-registret er alt for let at hacke] == ''[http://information.dk Dagbladet Information], 23. November 2012.''
Recent attacks on the register for the danish Personal Identification Numbers, linking the Danes to 'online identity' might be a sign of an impending attack. Professor J. Kiniry from DTU explains that the only way to achieve security is through complete transparency and open source.
''[http://www.information.dk/318046 Read the full article in danish]''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == [http://politiken.dk/tjek/digitalt/ECE1728663/camille-smidt-har-3285-spionfiler-paa-sin-computer/ Camille Smidt has 3285 spy-files on her computer] == ''[http://politiken.dk Politiken], 23. August 2012.''
Citizens surfing online have no idea about the files tracking their behaviour. ITU lector Joseph Kiniry examines the traces, the so-called cookies, on the computers of regular citizens.
''[http://politiken.dk/tjek/digitalt/ECE1728663/camille-smidt-har-3285-spionfiler-paa-sin-computer/ Read the full article in danish]''. }}}
{{{#!div class=news_entry == [http://politiken.dk/tjek/digitalt/telefoni/ECE1297402/it-kriminelle-kan-aabne-din-smartphone-paa-30-sekunder/ IT criminals can open your smartphone in 30 seconds] == ''[http://politiken.dk/ Politiken], 14. Juni 2011.''
Few people are protected against hacker attacks on their smartphones. A big problem according to Joseph Kiniry, lector on the IT-University.
''[http://politiken.dk/tjek/digitalt/telefoni/ECE1297402/it-kriminelle-kan-aabne-din-smartphone-paa-30-sekunder/ Read the full article in danish]''. }}} {{{#!div class=news_entry == [http://www.b.dk/nationalt/cyberkriminelle-svindler-med-tusindvis-af-danskeres-identitet&OpointData=f7097ca5cdf46ebf9abd08ea6c971270JmlkX3NpdGU9MTIxJmlkX2FydGljbGU9NDYwODM0JmlkX3VzZXI9Mjg0MCZpZF9hcHBsaWNhdGlvbj0xMDAwMzU5Jmxhbmc9ZW4= Cyber criminals misuse the identity of thousands of danes] == ''[http://b.dk Berlingske], 15. May 2011''
''Numbers from [http://www.dst.dk/ Danmarks Statistik]] reveals that thousands of danes have had their identity stolen on the internet. The cyber criminals illegal tricks are a severe threat in these year and the acts are hard to solve, says Joseph Kiniry from the IT-University.''
''[http://www.b.dk/nationalt/cyberkriminelle-svindler-med-tusindvis-af-danskeres-identitet&OpointData=f7097ca5cdf46ebf9abd08ea6c971270JmlkX3NpdGU9MTIxJmlkX2FydGljbGU9NDYwODM0JmlkX3VzZXI9Mjg0MCZpZF9hcHBsaWNhdGlvbj0xMDAwMzU5Jmxhbmc9ZW4= Read the article in danish]''. }}}