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Vocab. Cancer_Modifier

Vlad edited this page Jul 9, 2022 · 14 revisions

Cancer Modifier vocabulary


The vocabulary is designed to represent major cancer-related attributes such as staging and grading parameters, spread of disease characteristics (lymph nodes and metastasis), and additional histological and molecular characteristics of the tumor.

The attributes were derived from a variety of cancer-specific ontologies (NAACCR, NCIt etc).


The source data is provided by

  1. NAACCR in XML format.
  2. NCIt in FLAT format.
  3. SNOMED.


The procedures for transforming Concepts from the source to the OMOP Standard Vocabularies can be found on the OHDSI GitHub.

Concept Names

The majority of concept names inherits the name of the exact attribute from concept class combined with deduplicated, explicit atomic semantic units (coming from parsing of source concept names using different delimiters).

Concept Name Attribute1 Attribute2 Attribute3 Attribute4 Attribute5
AJCC/UICC 6th clinical T2a Category AJCC/UICC 6th clinical T2a Category
Metastasis to acromion Metastasis to acromion

Concept Code

Being an de novo created OMOP Vocabulary the bigger part of concepts has OMOP-generated codes, while staging/grading concept codes are built in the same fashion as names.

Concept Code Attribute1 Attribute2 Attribute3 Attribute4 Attribute5
c-6th_AJCC/UICC-T2a AJCC/UICC 6th clinical T2a Category

Distribution of valid Standard/Non-standard Concepts

Mostly all of the concepts within the Cancer Modifier vocabulary are standard and valid entities.

concept_class_id standard_concept count
Dimension S 18
Extension/Invasion S 544
Histopattern S 444
Margin S 433
Metastasis S 529
Morph Abnormality 15
Nodes S 192
Qualifier Value 7
Staging/Grading S 2629
Topography S 518


The majority of Cancer Modifier concepts are in the “Measurement” domain.

Concept Classes

Status Concept Class Modeling parameters Concept niche
Hierarchical Attributive Precoordianted (self sufficient by default) Episode triggering Phenotyping of complex biological structures
proceeded Dimension X
Non-proceeded (sorted by priority decline) Nodes

Concept Relationships


Cancer Modifier Concepts are Standard Concepts but do not participate in the hierarchy of the CONCEPT_ANCESTOR table because there are no links between them and other standard concepts.

Some concept classes have internal hierarchy to represent relationships between concepts, such as sites of metastatic spread, staging/grading parameters with different level of granularity .

Instructions for ETL

The Cancer Modifier are meant to be target concepts during most cancer-specific ETL conversions.

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