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Janice Cruz edited this page Sep 5, 2024 · 3 revisions


Domains are OMOP-defined clinical entity categories that are defined for each Concept in the Standardized Vocabulary. A list of all Domains is stored in the DOMAIN table. In the CONCEPT table, the field domain_id of each Concept record determines the Domain the Concept belongs to.

All Standard and Classification Concepts (standard_concept = 'S' or 'C') have a unique Domain, while the non-standard Source Concepts (standard_concept = NULL) can have domain_id entries that represent combinations of domains.

Domain assignment

Domain assignments are done using a heuristic, which is different for each vocabulary. Most vocabularies have Concepts in one of few Domains, but some of them, like HCPCS or Read, are very broad. The assignment will follow the following logic:


  • Disease
  • Clinical finding


  • Drug product
  • Vaccine
  • Immunization recorded as a procedure


  • Medical device
  • Contrast media
  • Blood product
  • Dietary supplement


  • Measure of an analyte or entity
  • Assessment scale


  • Manual or robotic manipulation on a patient


  • Observational finding
  • Observational assessment
  • Observable entity

However, for some of the categories, the assignment can be ambiguous. For these cases, in the OMOP Standardized Vocabulary we use the following rules:

Category Example Domain
Behavioral abnormality ICD10CM Z72.810 Child and adolescent antisocial behavior Condition
Blood bank product CPT4 86930 Frozen blood, each unit; freezing (includes preparation) Device
Contrast material for imaging HCPCS A9581 Injection, gadoxetate disodium, 1 ml Device
Food Supplement SPL 304fdee6-0290-4717-be3d-b367bec7e411 Ferrous Gluconate Device
Graft (alive or artificial) HCPCS L8670 Vascular graft material, synthetic, implant Device
Implant (not drug eluding) HCPCS L8610 Ocular implant Device
Medical supply HCPCS A4336 Incontinence supply, urethral insert, any type, each Device
Nutrition (enteral) HCPCS B4152 Enteral formula, nutritionally complete, calorically dense (equal to or greater than 1.5 kcal/ml) with intact nutrients, includes proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, may include fiber, administered through an enteral feeding tube, 100 cal… Device
Nutrition (parenteral) HCPCS B5200 Parenteral nutrition solution: compounded amino acid and carbohydrates with electrolytes, trace elements, and vitamins, including preparation, any strength, stress - branch chain amino acids - premix Device
Prosthesis HCPCS L6687 Upper extremity addition, frame type socket, below elbow or wrist disarticulation Device
Radioactive material for imaging HCPCS C1204 Technetium tc 99m tilmanocept, diagnostic, up to 0.5 millicuries Device
Radiological procedure supply, radiopharmaceutical) HCPCS C2644 Brachytherapy source, cesium-131 chloride solution, per millicurie Device
Animal Drug SPL 3cc46410-1360-43ba-af4f-fd33c9bc3533 THYROID SOOTHE - chamomilla, iodium, lycopus, nux vom, zingiber spray Drug
Cellular Therapy RxNorm 1000596 autologous cultured chondrocytes 30000000 CELLS/ML Injectable Solution [Carticel] Drug
Implant (drug eluding) HCPCS J7311 Fluocinolone acetonide, intravitreal implant Drug
Procedure Drug HCPSC J2704 Injection, propofol, 10 mg Drug
Cytogenetic study CPT4 88271 Molecular cytogenetics; DNA probe, each (eg, FISH) Measurement
Cytopathology CPT4 1012386 Cytopathology smears, cervical or vaginal Measurement
Drug testing HCPCS G6030 Amitriptyline (Assay of amitriptyline) Measurement
Electrocardiogram HCPCS G0403 Electrocardiogram, routine ecg with 12 leads; performed as a screening for the initial preventive physical examination with interpretation and report Measurement
Hearing test CPT4 92563 Hearing test using earphones Measurement
Immunological test procedure CPT4 95065 Direct nasal mucous membrane test Measurement
Semen analysis HCPCS G0027 Semen analysis; presence and/or motility of sperm excluding huhner Measurement
Cosmetic SPL 8491b3d2-1edc-4694-adf7-b9649edb00eb ONWARD CHAPSTICK - lipstick Observation
Evaluation or assessment HCPCS G8930 Assessment of depression severity at the initial evaluation Observation
Lifestyle choice ICD10 Z58.7 Exposure to tobacco smoke Observation
Pathology report HCPCS G9428 Pathology report includes the pt category and a statement on thickness and ulceration and for pt1, mitotic raten Observation
Service without exact procedure HCPCS H0030 Behavioral health hotline service, HCPCS H2016 Comprehensive community support services, per diem Observation
Visit without procedure HCPCS S9127 Social work visit, in the home, per diem Observation
Anything called *ectomy HCPCS S2350 Diskectomy, anterior, with decompression of spinal cord and/or nerve root(s), including osteophytectomy; lumbar, single interspace except some devices having *ectomy in description like HCPCS L8020 Breast prosthesis, mastectomy form Procedure
Anything called *graphy HCPCS C9733 Non-ophthalmic fluorescent vascular angiography Procedure
Anything called *scopy HCPCS S2070 Cystourethroscopy, with ureteroscopy and/or pyeloscopy; with endoscopic laser treatment of ureteral calculi (includes ureteral catheterization) Procedure
Attention ICD10 Z43.5 Attention to Cyctostomy Procedure
Brachytherapy HCPCS G0458 Low dose rate (ldr) prostate brachytherapy services, composite rate Procedure
Counseling HCPCS H0005 Alcohol and/or drug services; group counseling by a clinician Procedure
Detoxification HCPCS H0009 Alcohol and/or drug services; acute detoxification (hospital inpatient) Procedure
Examination ICD10 Z01.0 Examination of eyes and vision Procedure
Imaging CPT4 91110 Gastrointestinal tract imaging, intraluminal (eg, capsule endoscopy), esophagus through ileum, with interpretation and report Procedure
Immunotherapy CPT4 95115 Professional services for allergen immunotherapy not including the provision of allergenic extracts; single injection Procedure
Management ICD10 Z30.9 Contraceptive management, unspecified Procedure
Monitoring HCPCS 59050 Fetal monitoring during labor by consulting physician (ie, non-attending physician) with written report; supervision and interpretation Procedure
Physician consult CPT4 1014276 Pathology consultation during surgery Procedure
Procedure Drug (without exact drug information and no RxNorm mapping) HCPCS J8498 Antiemetic drug, rectal/suppository, not otherwise specified Procedure
Service with exact procedure HCPCS H0005 Alcohol and/or drug services; group counseling by a clinician Procedure
Surgical pathology (gross or microscopic) CPT4 88300 Level I - Surgical pathology, gross examination only Procedure
Visit with exact procedure HCPCS S9097 Home visit for wound care Procedure

List of Domains

  • Condition
  • Currency
  • Device
  • Drug
  • Ethnicity
  • Gender
  • Measurement
  • Measurement Value
  • Measurement Value Operator
  • Metadata
  • Modifier
  • Observation
  • Place of Service
  • Procedure
  • Provider Specialty
  • Race
  • Relationship
  • Revenue Code
  • Route of Administration
  • Specimen
  • Specimen Anatomic Site
  • Specimen Disease Status
  • Type Concept
  • Unit
  • Visit
  • Combination Domains
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