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The Vocabulary Team

Michael Kallfelz edited this page Sep 1, 2022 · 26 revisions

Find below the members of the Vocabulary Team at Odysseus. These are the people that take care of the OHDSI Standardized Vocabularies that you can download from ATHENA. With the exception of Timur, they are all medical professionals with a profound knowledge in medical informatics.

Name github handle Area of Expertise
Timur hardhouse Timur maintains most of the logic that does the heavy lifting in vocabulary source ingestion and technical processing.
Sasha alexdavv Sasha is the Tech Lead of the Vocabulary Group and facilitates as well as reviews most of the conversion processes.
Oleg TinyRickC137 Oleg knows the bits and pieces of SNOMED inside out and helps with certain Drug Dictionary sources.
Masha m-khitrun Masha works through the various flavors of procedure catalogs and makes them available and mapped.
Vlad vladkorsik Vlad is the master of Oncology concepts and takes a fair share in making Genomic vocabularies available.
Mikita MSalavei Mikita has special expertise in the MedDRA classifications and their connections to SNOMED.
Irina irinazherko Irina has picked the conditions as her main field and is maintaining the ICD family of classifications.
Maria MariaRohozhkina Maria chose the measurements and is an expert in LOINC now, but also helps maintaining the vaccines.
Michael (Mik) mik-ohdsi Mik is the manager of the Vocabulary team and leads the Vocabulary Working Group
Christian cgreich Christian is the god-father of all OHDSI Vocabularies (and yes, that Mob-reference is still lingering in the air)
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