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NPC Mobile Editing

luciensadi edited this page Dec 14, 2024 · 2 revisions

The medit command is used to create and modify mobiles (NPCs) in the world.

Syntax: medit <vnum>.

Main medit menu:

1) Keywords

These are the aliases / keywords that the NPC can be targeted with. Be sure to set as many of these as you can think of, and make them make sense-- for instance, an NPC with the name 'Mr. Miyagi' and the room description 'A wizened old Asian man demonstrates a flowing martial art here.' would need the keywords 'wizened old asian man martial artist mr miyagi sensei' in order to give people a reasonable chance of interacting with the NPC on their first try.

2) Name

This is the name of the NPC, used when they speak and when looking at them. Unless it is a proper name (e.g. "Alice" "Claire"), this should always start with a lower-case letter. This should never end in punctuation.

3) Room Description

This is the line that's printed to the room when you look. This should always start with a capital letter and end with punctuation.

4) Look Description

This is the text that's printed when you look at the NPC.

5) Mob Flags

Accessing this menu allows you to modify the behavioral flags that the NPC has set. More on these flags can be found in Mob Flags.

6) Affected Flags

Affected Flags are used to add extra abilities or change the state of the NPC. They are detailed in Affect Flags.

8) Average Nuyen / Credstick Value

This allows you to set the average nuyen value of loose-cash and nuyen contents of the credstick that spawn on the NPC when it is killed. Set to 0 to have nothing of the type appear. Don't set this very high.

9) Bonus Karma Points

Karma Points are automatically set based on the attributes, skills, etc of the NPC. Bonus Karma Points add to this calculated total. These karma points are awarded upon killing the NPC.

a) Attributes

Select this to enter a menu where you can set up the NPC's various attributes.

b) Level

This is roughly equivalent to Immortal level- if you have an NPC that you don't want low-level Immortals forcing or setting, set the NPC's level higher than theirs to make it immune to their tampering. Attempting to force an NPC at your level or higher will produce an error.

c-d) Ballistic / Impact

This allows you to set the NPC's inherent (naked) armor. Useful for when you don't want to spend extra time putting armor on them for players to steal.

e-f) Max Physical Points / Max Mental Points

This allows you to set the maximums for the NPC's health and mental status. Unless you have a good reason to change it, this should be left at 10/10.

g-h) Position / Default Position

The Position field is the position that the NPC spawns in- it's not recommended to set this to Mortally Wounded, Stunned or Fighting. The Default Position is the position in which the NPC will print its room desc to the room; if the NPC is not in the Default Position, a custom string will be printed instead ( is <sleeping/sitting/standing/whatever> here).

i-k) Gender / Weight / Height

These fields allow you to set the vital statistics of the NPC.

l) Race

This field allows you to set the race of the NPC. Obviously, races such as 'Dryad' and 'Dragon' should only be selected if you have a good reason to do so.

m) Attack Type

This field allows you to set the unarmed attack type of the NPC. Explosive effects such as 'rocket' and 'grenade' may or may not have splash damage, depending on your MUD's build. If they do, it is extremely advisable to NOT set explosive attack types.

n) Skill Menu

Here you can give the NPC up to six skills that it will use when relevant. These skills are usually used to make the NPC better at combat or magic. If you give your NPC a weapon, make sure you give it the appropriate skill. (FIREARMS for all projectiles, ARMED COMBAT for all melee including bayonet). All killable NPCs should have at least one level of BRAWLING.

o-p) Arrive Text / Leave Text

This allows you to set the movement text of the NPC. This functions much like player-movement text.

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