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2023 06 02 coordination

EttoreZ edited this page Jun 2, 2023 · 8 revisions

IBPSA Modelica Working Group

Date: June 02, 2023, 8:00 - 9:00 Pacific Times.

The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the Modelica IBPSA Working Group.

Meeting information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,6614042296# or +16465588656,6614042296#

Or Telephone: Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 661 404 2296 International numbers available:


Dre PCM presentation

Modelica working group expert meeting Modelica conference 2023

IBPSA library paper

PV collector, battery and electrical component models (Laura Maier)

Modular heat pump (Fabian Wüllhorst)

New state selection (Michael Wetter)

Equivalent borehole g functions (Massimo Cimmino)

Weekly schedule (Michael Wetter)

Progress on pull requests,


| Alessandro Maccarini, Aalborg University | Casper Fu, LBNL | Christoph Nytsch-Geusen, UdK Berlin | Dre Helmns, Harvey Mudd College | Ettore Zanetti, LBNL | Filip Jorissen, BuilTwins | Jelger Jansen, KU Leuven | Massimo Cimmino, Polytechnic Montreal | Michael Wetter, LBNL


Dre PCM presentation

Dre presented initial work on PCM storage and heat exchanger done during their PhD and a novel Modelica model based on SunAmp fine and tube heat exchanger. It's 2-D finite element model. It is still a work in progress and once it's more ready for feedback/review, a pull request to IBPSA will be made.

Expert meeting at Modelica conference 2023

Possible idea for social event on Wednesday night (last day of the conference), open to modelica working group/BOPTEST people Potential program for the workshop: Thursday the 12th of October IBPSA meeting from 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Lab Tour 11:30 a.m. 12:30 p.m. Lunch 12:30 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. BOPTEST meeting 1:30 p.m. to 4/5 p.m. (Ask Dave about timing)

Ettore will make a google form asking -Number of partecipants (for Wed and Thu) -Need for parking (for Thu) -Leaving time (on Thu,mainly for BOTPEST meeting)

Michael proposed to make only one Modelica library workshop around IBPSA (instead of one for each library). The potential layout could be as follows:

  • IBPSA current uses in research and industry.
  • Simple examples using IBPSA Modelica models (training could be done using OpenModelica, it should be ready)
  • End of training the different Modelica libraries can be introduced, each with an feature highlight

Michael will make application (Fabian already contacted people responsible with informal application)

Library paper

Michael injured. It's not going to be written for Modelica conference, moved to a journal paper. Topics and dates TBD.

ATES model

First version of the model and made pull request. Cannot run unit tests due to windows permissions, needs to switch to Linux. From discussion it emerged that it might make more sense to put together extraction and injection wells to better handle pressure drops, and instead of having just two wells it could be an array of extraction wells and one of injection arrays.

Next steps on ISO 13790 models

Models are now merged:

Michael suggested to better show the difference between ISO13790 and BESTEST, there is a paper but maybe add to the documentation some of the charts (examples from the python script to generate results for the buildings library).

No time to work in past month.

Mover models

Make SpeedControlled_Nrpm obsolete, Michael suggesting to remove models that remove RPM as in input as they behave like [0 1]. IDEAS does not use those, to be checked with Aachen.

It has been merged.

PV collector, battery and electrical component models

Laura close to pull request, she has some issues with cross checking the results (windows problem in getting reference results, in linux might work):

Still working on Modelica conference paper due to issue on validation data.

Modular heat pump

Almost finished. Added USA data and model is able to handle ASHRAE data. Documentation almost finalized. Casper might do final review.

New state selection

Michael work on model initialization? Difference of pressure instead of absolute pressure (in theory is better, in numerical simulation it seems inconclusive it depends on the models, scaling seems to work better) Comparison speed vs accuracy? (speed and if models actually run). Maybe use bounded attribute of real variables.

OCT has been updated and ready for test.

Weekly schedule

It seems more involved than expected, since it requires handle string connectors division 0/0 on OpenModelica, in fluidflow models.

New action items

IBPSA modelica working group landing page (picture?)

Previous action items

Expert meeting: Confirmed Thursday Morning