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2023 04 03 coordination

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IBPSA Modelica Working Group

Date: April 3, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 Pacific Times.

The purpose of this meeting is to coordinate the Modelica IBPSA Working Group.

Meeting information

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +14086380968,6614042296# or +16465588656,6614042296#

Or Telephone: Dial: +1 408 638 0968 (US Toll) or +1 646 558 8656 (US Toll) Meeting ID: 661 404 2296 International numbers available:


Modelica Conference paper

Presentation on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) model that could included on the library. (Alessandro Maccarini)

Mover models (Casper)

PV collector, battery and electrical component models (Laura Maier)

Modular heat pump (Fabian Wüllhorst)

New state selection (Michael Wetter)

Equivalent borehole g functions (Massimo Cimmino)

Weekly schedule (Michael Wetter)

Radiation issue simulating over 1y (Ettore Zanetti)

Progress on pull requests,


Jelger Jansen Filip Jorissen Alessandro Maccarini Massimo Cimmino Klaas de Jonge Michael Wetter


Modelica paper

Alessandro: focus on new models of the past. Need to filter which models and how space to allocate to those models. Massimo: Also agrees.

Select models, and coordinate with respective authors to see if they are interested in writing.

Michael to develop outline, select models and coordinate with prospective authors.

ATES model

Alessandro gave a presentation on Aquifer Thermal Energy Storage (ATES) model that could included on the library.

Outcome of a master thesis.

Model initially developed in Matlab.

Working on Modelica implementation and on how to compute pressure drop. Alessandro has data for pressure drop. Massimo: look at permeability from ground water well pumping. "Leaky well function"

Next steps on ISO 13790 models

Models are now merged:

Michael suggested to better show the difference between ISO13790 and BESTEST, there is a paper but maybe add to the documentation some of the charts (examples from the python script to generate results for the buildings library).

No time to work in past month.

Mover models

Make SpeedControlled_Nrpm obsolete, Michael suggesting to remove models that remove RPM as in input as they behave like [0 1]. IDEAS does not use those, to be checked with Aachen.

Filip to review.

PV collector, battery and electrical component models

Laura close to pull request, she has some issues with cross checking the results (windows problem in getting reference results, in linux might work):

No update.

Modular heat pump

Different name for the “BlacBoxStarter”? Update on example models (running times)?

No update.

New state selection

Michael work on model initialization? Difference of pressure instead of absolute pressure (in theory is better, in numerical simulation it seems inconclusive it depends on the models, scaling seems to work better) Comparison speed vs accuracy? (speed and if models actually run). Maybe use bounded attribute of real variables.

Michael waiting for OCT update.

Weekly schedule

It seems more involved than expected, since it requires handle string connectors division 0/0 on OpenModelica, in fluidflow models.

Simulating over 1y

When simulating more that 1y there are some errors in the diffuse radiation calculation due to cloTim going over the validity range for some of the equations.

Jelger to review.

New action items

Expert meeting: Aim for Thursday, or for Monday morning. Half a day for expert meeting. Ideally don't overlap with BOPTEST.

Previous action items

Joint paper from IBPSA Modelica working group? Michael: New paper, could be an update on the library and Modelica working group? Clarifying the use of the library. (People are still citing the ANNEX) Filip: Make a list of major changes and show if there is enough to make a paper. 10 year of joined Modelica development for basic models, allows us to collaborate and hopefully expand. Maximize different expertise.