Releases: fastrgv/AdaVenture
Releases · fastrgv/AdaVenture
ver 2.2.6 -- 17dec2021
- The (h)-key now, also, toggles Intro/Help screen;
- Added more example build scripts, including one for OSX that does not require Xcode.
- Replaced all cc-by-nc-licensed sound files due to incompatibility with GPLv3.
- Improved sound-tracks in Labyrinth.
ver 2.2.5 -- 17nov2021
- Updated all GLFW libs to newest [static] version(v3.3.5), & scripts.
- Elliminated OpenGL-mipmap error on nvidia nouveau drivers.
- Now include library fix & build scripts for GNU-Ada, as well as AdaCore.
ver 2.2.4 -- 25oct2021
- Improved adaOpenAL binding code...AdaVenture is now buildable with [GNU Compiler Collection] GNAT, as well as all AdaCore versions.
- Updated glext64.lib (Win64).
- In addition to the Win64 build, now added a Win32 build.
ver 2.2.3 -- 18apr21
- Improved movement, playability & random key locations [ch3,ch4].
- Improved maps to show beetles' domain as well as possible key locations.
- Maze entrance now has Arabic warning, & Zoroastrian symbol.
- Trees now impenetrable.
ver 2.2.2 -- 10apr21
- Improved castle exterior & lighting on interior alcove.
- Upgraded to glfw v3.3.4.
- Fixed bad logic that forced a death by beetles.
- Enhanced maze maps.
ver 2.2.1 -- 28mar21
- Added beetle warning so gamers don't dawdle among them.
- Added decorative metallic copper brackets to castle pool as a demonstration of multi-texturing and reflective lighting.
ver 2.2.0 -- 07nov20
- Installed completely new cross-platform sound system usind OpenAL.
- Now deliver only a single Windows build (64-bit).
- Update named "ag6nov20.7z" replaces bad WAV files.
ver 2.1.8 -- 18sep20
- Added Windows launcher "adaventure.bat".
ver 2.1.7 -- 02jul20
- Updated GLFW libs to v3.3.2.
- Added extra drama if angered beetles decide to attack.
- Added explicit safeguards to GLFW binding.
ver 2.1.6 -- 29apr20
- Fixed/restored full-screen on all operating systems;