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Mobile Team Meeting 3 for CMPE 451 (31.10.2022)

Ezgi Aysel Batı edited this page Nov 2, 2022 · 1 revision

Meeting #3


📅 Date: 31.10.2022

📍 Location: Discord

🕐 Duration: 16.00 - 18.30

📝 Note Taker: Ezgi Aysel Batı

👥 Attendees:

  • Bahrican Yeşil
  • Egemen Atik
  • Onur Kömürcü
  • Ezgi Aysel Batı


  1. Progress check on incomplete action items
  2. APK creation
  3. Demo planning & scenario preparations
  4. Demo practice


  1. Remaining open issues and pull requests were reviewed.
  2. Action items that could be closed were closed. Others were planned according to the work left.
  3. An APK for the mobile app was created and installed to try.
  4. The team decided that the demo for the mobile part should consist of two parts:
  • Sign up, Login, Profile
  • Forget Password, Adding Profile photo, Homepage
  1. The demo parts were distributed among the members. The first part is to be done by Bahrican Yesil and the second part is to be done by Ezgi Aysel Bati.
  2. No action items for work on the app were decided on, as we decided it would be better to adjust our path depending on the feedback given during the demo.
  3. Mock demo practices were tried, focusing on effective screen sharing/continuous presentation, time use and showcasing as many features as possible.

Action Items

# Details Assignee(s) Due Issue
1 Create an APK for the app Bahrican Yeşil During Meeting
2 Practice presenting first section of the demo Bahrican Yeşil 01.11.2022@ [12:00]
3 Add the additional part to the System manual, link apk on relevant places Ezgi Aysel Batı 31.10.2022@ [23:59]
4 Implement the horizontally scrollable list of courses on the home screen Egemen Atik 01.11.2022@ [10:00]
5 Practice presenting second section of the demo Ezgi Aysel Batı 01.11.2022@ [12:00]
6 Implement "View all courses" page of the home screen Onur Kömürcü 06.11.2022@ [23:59]

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Meeting Notes of 451
Mobile Team Meeting Notes
Back-End Team Meeting Notes
Front-End Team Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes of 352

📚 Learnify

📱 Practice App

🛣 Milestones

CMPE451 Milestones
  • Will be added when ready
CMPE352 Milestones

📋 Requirements

🕵 Researches

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🖼️ Scenarios & Mockups


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