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Communication Plan

Onur Kömürcü edited this page Oct 23, 2022 · 9 revisions
Platform Purpose(s) Time Participants
Face to face Discussing new tasks, sharing tasks, taking notes during meeting Every Tuesday
between 15.00 - 17.00
(Lab hours)
All group members
Face to face Discussing tasks that are related mobile, sharing tasks, taking notes during meeting Every Monday
between 15.00 - 16.00
Mobile team
(Bahrican, Ezgi, Egemen, Onur)
Discord Discussing tasks that are related backend, sharing tasks, taking notes during meeting Every Wednesday
between 17.30 - 18.30
Backend team
(Batuhan, Ecenur, Hasan)
Discord Discussing tasks that are related frontend, sharing tasks, taking notes during meeting Every Wednesday
between 19.00 - 20.00
Frontend team
(Altay, Enes, Gökay, Koray)
Discord Discussing about researches Anytime All group members
Discord Communicating with instructor/TA's, informing about announcements Anytime All group members, instructor, TA's
GitHub Updating progress, checking others progress for linked tasks Anytime All group members, instructor, TA's

Meeting Schedule

  1. Determining the note taker person for the meeting
    1. Will ask for volunteer person
    2. If there isn’t any, it will be randomly assigned among the ones who haven’t done yet
  2. Conversation about the previous week’s feedbacks (if any)
  3. Discussion about the unfinished tasks (if any)
  4. Going over the assignment pdf and extracting the main tasks item by item (if pdf is shared)
  5. Analyzing previous years’ repositories to understand the details and expected results of the tasks
  6. After all tasks are determined, assigning the people to the tasks as evenly as possible
  7. Determining reviewers for the tasks
  8. Determining deadlines for the tasks

👋 Welcome to the Wiki of Group #2

🎓 Group Members

Group Members

✍️ Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes of 451
Mobile Team Meeting Notes
Back-End Team Meeting Notes
Front-End Team Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes of 352

📚 Learnify

📱 Practice App

🛣 Milestones

CMPE451 Milestones
  • Will be added when ready
CMPE352 Milestones

📋 Requirements

🕵 Researches

Git Related

🖼️ Scenarios & Mockups


📈 Diagrams


📑 Templates

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