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1.0. Installing Harbor

av edited this page Oct 12, 2024 · 8 revisions



Harbor is still a young project (hence the 0.x.x versioning), installation and some features might not work as expected. Please report any issues you encounter.

Harbor CLI



MacOS: some services do not ship ARM64 images. GPU pass-through is not supported on MacOS.

Installation methods

Harbor CLI can be installed in multiple ways that are listed below.

Package Managers


# Note the "global" flag
npm install -g @avcodes/harbor


# Use pipx as harbor is a CLI tool
pipx install llm-harbor

Unsafe one-liner

  • Runs the install script directly from the internet (make sure you trust the source)
  • Will clone the Harbor repository to your home directory
  • Will write to your shell profile to add bin folder to the path
curl | bash

Manual install

Same as above, just done by you.

git clone && cd harbor

# [Optional] make Harbor CLI available globally
# Otherwise, call this .sh file instead of `harbor`
./ ln


# Check the installation
harbor --version
harbor --help

# Run doctor script to
# check if all requirements are met
harbor doctor

# [Optional] Start default services
# Initial download of the docker images might take a while
# If you have container toolkit installed, GPU will
# be automatically used for supported services.
harbor up

# [Optional] open Webui in the browser
harbor open


First launch of the Open WebUI will require you to create a local admin account. Harbor keeps such auth requirements on by default because it also supports exposing your local stack to the internet.

Next Steps

Harbor App


Harbor App is even younger than the CLI and might have more issues. Please report any issues you encounter.



As for the moment, Harbor App is avaialble but not tested on Windows. Contributions are welcome! You can still use the Harbor CLI with WSL2.

Install Harbor App


Depending on your distribution, download the latest .deb or .AppImage package from the latest release and install it.


I don't have an Apple developer account and consequently can't sign apps. As a result - to run the app, you'dd need to bypass the quarantine after downloading it.

  • Download the from the releases page
  • Run the .tar.gz file - it'll be extracted in-place, you'll see the file in the same directory
  • Open the terminal in the same directory and run the following command
sudo xattr -d ./

You'll be prompted for your system password. After that, you can run the app from the file. Optionally, you might also copy it to your "Applications" folder for easier access.

After these actions, you should have the Harbor App running on your system.

Harbor App on MacOS



Next Steps

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