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Session Fetch

2000eBe edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 6 revisions

1. Session Fetch use-Case v. 1.0

1.1 Brief Description

This use case enables the user to gain insight into how to interact with the Web API and understand the data they will receive. The data could originate from either the capture area or the regex settings.

2. Flow of Events

2.1 Basic Flow

The following is a simple flow:

  1. The user of a third-party application must send a GET HTTP request to the Web API endpoint with the correct key, which will be provided by the data user.
  2. The Web API will authenticate the provided key for security purposes.
  3. The data will be fetched and subsequently sent to the user or third-party.
  4. The third-party user will utilize the data for any purpose they desire.

2.2 Activity Diagram

Session Fetch Use Case Diagram

2.3 Feature Files

Feature: Use Case Create Session
    As a user
    I want to be able to retrieve data from other user and build things onto of this data

  Scenario: Provides invalid Key in URL
    Given the provided URL
    Then the Web API will invalidate the URL and the Key and then will return 403 for an unautherized access

  Scenario: Provides valid Key in URL
    Given the provided URL
    Then the Web API will validate the provided url with key
    AND will return the requested data to the user

2.4 Mock-up

There is no Mock-up because it describes the way how people would interact with the API.

2.5 Functional Points Calculation


3. Special Requirements


4. Preconditions


5. Postconditions


6. Extension Points
