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Data Processing

2000eBe edited this page Apr 27, 2023 · 5 revisions

1. Data Processing use-Case v. 1.0

1.1 Brief Description

The user is able to extract text from a designated area on a video stream using this particular use case.

2. Flow of Events

2.1 Basic Flow

The diagram simplifies the process quite a lot, so keep that in mind.

  1. When we start the cpaturing process
  2. A tesseract interval is started
  3. In one interval the provided video stream and cpature area is used to slice the proper images out of the video
  4. This image is then sanatized and prepered for the next step
  5. Now our system tries to recognize characters on the provided image
  6. Additionally the definied Regex constraints are applied on the found characters
  7. And now we want to find the best match on the image
  8. The best match will be displayed to the user

2.2 Activity Diagram

Data Processing Use Case Diagram

2.3 Feature Files

Feature: Use Case <Name>
    As a User
    I want to be able to extract text from a provided video stream with a definied capture area.

  Scenario: There is no capture area
    Then you will be prompted that you are unable to capture any data

  Scenario: There a capture area and regex defined
    Given I have a setup capture areas which have regex defined to gather informations
    When I open then capturing tab
    Then I won't be prompted that I need to define a cpature are, and the start cpaturing button is enabled
    And after pressin the button the capturing of the data will begin

2.4 Mock-up

The Mock-up contains the logging of the found data and the start/stop button.


2.5 Functional Points Calculation


3. Special Requirements


4. Preconditions

This use case needs some preconditions to work properly. Before we can process anything there has to be a video stream of some sorts and ontop of the video stream a capture area with a defined regex and constraints what to find. Only then can this work properly

5. Postconditions


6. Extension Points
