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Programming Robot Architecture

Alex Schokking edited this page Jul 24, 2022 · 3 revisions

Team 488 programs its robots using a model known as the "Command" pattern.

It roughly works like this:

  • A Robot is made out of Subsystems.
    • Subsystems have areas of responsibility. A robot might have a DriveSubsystem, an ArmSubsystem, a VisionSubsystem...
    • Basically, every "thing" on the robot is contained by one Subsystem.
  • Commands use Subsystems . One Subsystem will have many Commands that use it.
    • RaiseArmCommand, LowerArmCommand, and StopArmCommand would all use the ArmSubsystem.
    • Commands can use more than one Subsystem. You could have a RaiseArmAndDriveForwardCommand.
    • Commands are often triggered by humans pushing joystick/gamepad buttons.
  • The Scheduler runs Commands on the robot, and handles conflicts. It decides what happens when somebody tries to run RaiseArmCommand and LowerArmCommand at the same time.
FIRST also has a great page that explains the Command pattern:

Table of Contents

More Details


Subsystems are responsible for all of the direct communication with physical devices on the robot (things like motors, sensors etc..). They provide a single place for Commands that need to use these things to do so in a clean, abstract manner.


For example, imagine a robot that has 2 motors on it (1 per side). All code that needs to move the robot needs to communicate with these 2 motors (this could be a lot of places in the code). Overtime the robot might change and now there are 4 motors instead of 2, all of the places that were talking to the motors need to be updated to account for this change. In order to avoid having to do this bulk updating of code, we use a Subsystem to wrap the motors (however many there are) and just expose out methods that aren't likely to change for others to use.


Starting commands

On the real robot, commands are often started by a human pushing a joystick button. For example the operator might push a button to run the intake to suck balls into the robot. They can also be manually started by calling `.schedule()` on the command (which you will see in the tests sometimes).


Requires is the way to ensure that only 1 command is telling motors/mechanisms what to do at any given time. For example if you had a command called DriveForward and another one called StopDrive you wouldn't want them both running at the same time or they would fight over the motors and bad things would happen.

A Command can "require" one or more subsystems. What this means in practice is that when this command starts running if there were any commands already running that also required any of these subsystems, those existing commands will be cancelled.

Default commands

A Subsystem can optionally have 1 default command specified. This command will be run whenever no other commands that require the subsystem are running. This can be really useful for providing a safe default behavior (for instance for an arm that can move perhaps by default you want to stop it's motors so it doesn't hurt itself). Another common use is for a subsystem that will really only have 1 command that ever runs on it and it should be running all the time.

Default Commands for Subsystems are specified in the SubsystemDefaultCommandMap class. A default Command must require the Subsystem is it default for.

Operator Command Map

TODO populate this

Virtual Subsystems

TODO populate this

How tos

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