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Curriculum challenge ~ Setting up your environment

Ronak Shah edited this page Apr 17, 2024 · 15 revisions

Table of Contents

Getting started


If you just want to do the curriculum, follow the instructions in: Edu Onboarding

Or if you need to setup for in-season robot programming, follow the instructions in Full Programming Onboarding to install all the required tools you'll need.

Fork the XbotEdu repository

A 'fork' is a personal copy of a code repository. Forking a repository allows you to freely experiment with changes without affecting the original project. More background on forking.

  1. In the browser, navigate to XbotEdu
  2. On github in the upper right hand corner click the 'Fork' button (You might have to close the banner first)
  3. A dialog will appear asking you where you want to fork the repo but not always, it might just do it automatically. select your user account (should be the first entry)

Sync the repository locally

  1. If you haven’t already, you will Use GitHub Desktop to clone that forked XbotEdu repository locally.
Note: If you didn't use GitHub Desktop to clone (eg. You used the command line, like a GitWizard), run the following commands:
git submodule init
git submodule update

Open the Edu projects in IntelliJ

  1. Open the application 'IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition' that we installed during the onboarding steps.
  2. Click Open from the Projects tab.
  3. Navigate to your XbotEdu repository location (by default, might be in Documents/GitHub/XbotEdu) and open it.
  4. If prompted, you want to open the project as a Gradle project, not an Eclipse project.
  5. If prompted, trust the project.
  6. The project will automatically start building.

Next Steps

Continue with the next challenge: Curriculum challenge ~ Basic Robot Principles

Clone this wiki locally