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SunoikisisDC Summer 2021 Session 8

Monica Berti edited this page Jun 7, 2021 · 7 revisions

Sunoikisis Digital Classics, Summer 2021

Session 8. Trismegistos People

Thursday June 3, 17:15-18:45 CEST

Convenors: Yanne Broux (KU Leuven)

YouTube link:


Session outline

  1. A brief history and overview of Trismegistos
  2. From the Prosopographia Ptolemaica to TM People: almost a century of onomastic-prosopographic research in Leuven
  3. TM People online (a short demo of the new website and its features)

Seminar readings

Further Reading

Other resources



How many texts from Egypt in Trismegistos mention the name Horos? How many mention its Greek counterpart Apollonios? In which nomes [= Egyptian administrative regions] are these names most common? [If your institution has subscribed to Trismegistos, please use this institutional login (via proxy server or VPN) in order to access all features]