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DC Session 5 EpiDoc 2
Thursday Feb 13, 16:00 UK = 17:00 CET
Convenors: Gabriel Bodard (Institute of Classical Studies), Martina Filosa (Köln), Simona Stoyanova (Nottingham)
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/w95M9k4PomU
Slides: Combined slideshow (PDF)
In this session we will introduce the process of publishing XML editions to a web publication, using the example of TEI EpiDoc XML files and the EFES publication platform (EpiDoc Front-End Services). We will give a hands-on demo of opening, viewing individual inscriptions, and generating default indexes and search interface in EFES, and then show a couple of projects that have customized EFES for their own requirements.
In preparation for this session you should download (or clone) the EFES EpiDoc publication platform from Github, and follow the basic instructions to run the "build" file and view the front page in a browser. The rest will be explained in the session.
- To start EFES on Windows, double-click on build.bat.
- To start EFES on Mac/Linux, open your Terminal and navigate to the EFES folder (using "cd"). Then enter: sh build.sh
- Martina Filosa & Alessio Sopracasa (2020). "Encoding Byzantine Seals: SigiDoc." In Proceedings of the 9th Conference of AIUCD (15-17 January, 2020). Available: https://aiucd2020.unicatt.it/aiucd-Sopracasa_Filosa.pdf
- Magdalena Turska et al. (2016). "Challenging the Myth of Presentation in Digital Editions." Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 9. Available: https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.1453
- Ryan Baumann (2013). "The Son of Suda On-Line." In ed. Dunn & Mahony The Digital Classicist 2013. BICS Supplement 122. Pp. 91–106. Available: https://hdl.handle.net/10161/8414
- Julia Flanders & Scott Hamlin (2013). "TAPAS: Building a TEI Publishing and Repository Service." Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative 5. Available: https://doi.org/10.4000/jtei.788
- Roberto Rosselli Del Turco (2019). Designing an advanced software tool for Digital Scholarly Editions: The inception and development of EVT (Edition Visualization Technology). Textual Cultures, 12(2), 91-111. Available: https://doi.org/10.14434/textual.v12i2.27690
- Install EFES, add your files to the
directory, run the repository creation, harvesting and indexing, and make sure that you can see your files and any relevant contents in the indices and search results. If anything is missing, try to figure out what is wrong, and bring any remaining questions to class next week. - (Optional) Look in the example EpiDoc files and see how indexable terms (e.g. names, places, symbols) are encoded. Encode some examples of one of these features in your own texts, and if necessary add new values to the relevant authority list so that they can be harvested and will appear in the index. See Alist help. (NB: you may need to re-harvest and re-index before your changes appear in EFES.)