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Legal Considerations

tariq scott edited this page Oct 29, 2020 · 6 revisions

1. Is your software violating any licensing agreements? List all third-party software you plan to use and ensure that you have the right to use as you plan.

Our software is not violating any licensing agreements. All the assets we chose to put in our game are free to use in Unity. Since we won't be monetizing our game there are no copyrights there. We have the student developer pack for Unity, so we're allowed to create a game and make up to $100,000. If we make more we have to pay Unity. MySQL is free to use.

2. Are there any intellectual property constraints placed by your client? or by the owner of some dataset you need to use? List them.

We do not have a client, therefore there are no restraints by the client. We are making our own dataset so we don't believe we will have any IP constraints there either.

3. Can your users use your app to break the law? Post copyright works on your web app? steal information? etc.

No, our users will not be able to break the law using our app. They could possibly access the database and steal usernames but there will not be any payments stored on the app or any iCloud or android accounts needed to log in. Just the phone ID and desired username and score. No copyright works because all our assets are free, if not created by us. Of course, for any asset used we shall give proper credit to the creator.

/* Written by Tariq Scott and Bradley Williamson */

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