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Natkeeran edited this page Feb 27, 2019 · 10 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:

  • Time: 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time US (UTC-5)
  • Zoom link:
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #islandora on


  • Alan Stanley
  • Marcus Barnes
  • Cricket Deane
  • Yamil Suarez
  • Eli Zoller
  • Melissa Anez
  • Natkeeran 🌠
  • Rachel Tillay
  • Jared Whiklo
  • Jonathan Green
  • Daniel Lamb


  1. Docuementation sprint spreadsheet still open
  2. Dropping PHP 7.1 support?
  3. JWTs: How often/how do we renew them?
  4. Islandora Cookbook
  5. Audio/Video streaming use case
  6. One file per Media and other assumptions we should abolish
  7. Updating D8 core
  8. PR for fixing prepopulate bug
  9. Browsing Media revisions
  10. Transcripts!
  11. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


  1. Docuementation sprint spreadsheet still open
  • Still open
  1. Dropping PHP 7.1 support?
  • Summary: We can move claw-playbook to PHP 7.2, and any fallout issues will be dealt with as they arise.
  • riprap requires 7.1.3+. Are there anyone who uses PHP 7.1? Can we drop support for 7.1 and only consider supporting PHP 7.2?
  • Alan - Installing 7.1.3 in Ubuntu seems difficult.
  • Jared - Should we consider updating the base box (ubnutu 18)?
  • Danny - There are known issues in moving to Ubuntu 18.
  • Jared - The 7.1.3+ dependency is from php symfony framework. Thus, it makes sense to move to PHP 7.2.
  • Danny - The need for PHp 7.2 is forthcoming, thus we will update the claw-playbook and resolve any fallout issues.
  1. JWTs: How often/how do we renew them?
  • Summary: Seth's PR can be merged. However, we should come up with a way to refresh or renew token.
  • Danny - We need to create a new authentication token when every Fedora operation started on the Drupal side.
  • Jared - If we create a new token each time, then it should be valid for a short time.
  • JonathanGreen - There can be a another problem in processing queues if we have a short life span.
  • Jared - Need a way to re authenticate/re fresh the token.
  • JonathanGreen - Two options: use the simpler password method. Otherwise, we will have to find a way to refresh the token or request a new token.
  • Jared - Seth PR will resolve his issue; however, we can expect other issues down the line. We can merge it for now.
  • Danny - Will create a ticket to track the larger scale issue.
  1. Islandora Cookbook
  • Similar to Islandora Awesome list, this list is intended for Drupal modules that can be easily integrated in Islandora 8 stack.
  1. Audio/Video streaming use case
  • We should look to see how we can return the multiple files in a single stream, then create appropriate files in Drupal.
  1. One file per Media and other assumptions we should abolish
  • Summary: We should be clear and careful about the content model we support. This use case can possibly be just a collection, or can be modelled as a compound object or supported via views.
  • Rosie - This use case breaks the object model assumption. Multiple images would form a collection.
  • Alan - Digital Humanities usually require each digital object to have their own metadata. In 7.x, if something needed metadata, it was its own object.
  • Rosie - Drupal's accordances do not necessarily translate well for a repository model.
  • Danny - We can possibly support this feature using features or compound object model.
  • Rtillay - We can possibly use Linked Data authority uris.
  • Rosie - In MODS, we have a similar issue where we conflate the thing that describes the object with the object itself.

Other Agenda items will be taken up during the next meeting.

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