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Usage: General commands

Rahul Raman edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

BombSquad bot general commands

The BombSquad Bot has many commands, some commands are general and present in almost all other discord bots, some are new commands and some are new, unique and very special commands.

This wiki page here gives you a list of all general commands that BombSquad bot have and the usage signature and short doc of all those commands.

The general commands of BombSquad bot are (no command in the following require extra arguments):

  • bs!ping as general, it sends you the bot's latency
  • bs!bot this command will give you all info about the bot
  • bs!creator it will mention the discord user account of the creator of the bot's source code
  • bs!help gives you a help message
  • bs!invite gives you a link for authorizing this bot into another servers
  • bs!support gives you invite link of the support server
  • bs!vote gives you the link of the DBL page of BombSquad bot to vote it on DBL