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Usage: Cogs: Config

Rahul Raman edited this page Mar 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

BombSquad bot config cog usage

This cog contains commands used to change the guilds config data in the database, ie. this cog and it's commands are used to customize the bot for your server. Using this cog's commands, you can set a custom prefix for your server or add/remove BombSquad server stats in your discord servers config of the BombSquad bot.

The following are the commands present in this cog with usage signature, arguments, etc. :

S. No. Command signature Usage Arguments Result
1 bs!prefix <new prefix> To change the bot's prefix for the discord server 1. New prefix to use Changes the command prefix for the discord server and sends confirmation
2 bs!enemy_spawns <channel> To set the text channel to spawn the random enemies 1. The discord text channel mention of enemy spawns, bot must have all text permissions there. Returns a confirmation message
3 bs!random_events <enable/disable> To enable or disable the random events in a discord server 1. enable/disable Returns a confirmation message
4 bs!bs_stats To set/get/search/list/delete a BombSquad server stats for the discord server Sub-Commands Nothing, requires sub-command to work
4.1 bs!bs_stats set To add a BombSquad server stats file to get stats from None If all details given correctly when asked, saves the detail and send confirmation, else abort and send notice
4.2 bs!bs_stats get <id> To get all players data from the BombSquad server stats set at the given id 1. The ID of the stats entry Gives users all players data in form of embeds in a pagination session
4.3 bs!bs_stats search <id> To search for a player in the data from the BombSquad server stats set at the given id 1. The ID of the stats entry The players data whose name matches the search term
4.4 bs!bs_stats delete <id> To delete a stats entry for the discord server 1. The ID of the stats entry If exists at the given id deletes and confirms, else notifies the user
4.5 bs!bs_stats list To list all the added BombSquad server stats for the discord server None Returns a list of all entries for that discord server