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Usage: Cogs: Utility

Rahul Raman edited this page Feb 17, 2020 · 1 revision

BombSquad bot utility cog usage

This is a very useful and important cog for BombSquad bot. Many new, unique, and special commands are also added to the bot through this cog only. Therefore it makes this cog very much important for the BombSquad bot.

The following are the available bot commands in the utility Cog:

S. No. Command signature Usage Arguments Result
1 bs!modmanager Get all BombSquad game's mods or search through them Sub-Commands Nothing, requires sub-commands to work
1.1 bs!modmanager list List all BombSquad game's mods None All BombSquad mods in embeds
1.2 bs!modmanager search <search> Search through all BombSquad game's mods 1. The search term Returns the mods that matches the search
2 bs!accessories Get all BombSquad game's accessories on the accessories archive repository or search through them Sub-Commands Nothing, requires sub-commands to work
2.1 bs!accessories list List all BombSquad game's accessories available on the accessories archive repository None All available BombSquad accessories in embeds
2.2 bs!accessories search <search> Search through all BombSquad game's accessories available on the accessories archive repository None All available BombSquad accessories that matches the search
3 bs!datetime [timezone] To get the current date and time 1. The timezone to provide the datetime in [optional] Datetime in the given timezone else UTC
4 bs!wiki <search> To search something on wikipedia 1. The string to search The result of the search on wikipedia
5 bs!feedback <feedback> To submit feedback of using the bots 1. Feedback you want to submit Submits the feedback in the support server and conforms
6 bs!fanart [url] To submit the artwork you made for the BombSquadbot or team 1. The url of the art in your message [optional] or 2. Artworks attached to the message The artworks of the correct extension types are accepted and submitted, if no accepted artwork is there then return a message of None artwork notice (for accepted extensions types view Feedbacks and Fan Arts)