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Feedbacks and fan arts

Rahul Raman edited this page Feb 16, 2020 · 1 revision

Submitting us your feedbacks/fan-arts

Providing feedback

For providing feedback you need to open your discord app go to a server where the bot is present and use the feedback command passing it the feedback you want to send us, eg: bs!feedback The bot is very cool, it would be even better if ...

Feedback command usage

Submitting Fan-Arts

If you are a fan of the BombSquad bot and have made an artwork specially for the bot and want to show that to us, please do not hesitate and use the fanart command of the BombSquad bot to send your artwork what you need to do is just attach the artwork media, use the command and send the message for, eg: bs!fanart command on a message with the artwork media file(s) attached to it, or you can also use the command with url, eg: bs!fanart <url(s)> or you can even do both.

The filename of the attachment or/and the url of the file must end with the accepted extensions. The accepted extensions are: [".jpg", ".png", ".gif", ".jpeg"]

Fanart command usage

At the end of every week one of the submitted artwork will be chosen to be displayed on the BombSquad bot's website, at the Fan-Arts page. *This is not set in stone ie, the duration and/or selected artworks number might vary depending on the submitions, total users, servers and other such factors.