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Benjamen Meyer edited this page Dec 30, 2020 · 3 revisions

When we get ready to release a new version we should be observing the following steps.

NOTE: All alpha, beta, etc releases should be marked as pre-release in GitHub.

  1. Branch the new version from master
  2. Immediately cut an alpha release (f.e 0.7.0-alpha1)
  3. Update Master to the next release series (f.e 0.7.0 moves to 0.8.0)
  1. We continue on the alpha series until we can confirm:
  • The version of the software is confirmed to match the branch.
  • All supported platforms for the release have a build
  • All supported distributions for a platform have a build
  • All items are on the release's Project board are either completed or deferred.
  1. Once 4 is met, start cutting the beta releases (f.e 0.7.0-beta1)
  2. We continue on the beta series until we can confirm:
  • All agreed issues are fixed, or documented and deferred.
  • All platforms and distributions have been play tested
  1. Cut the final release (f.e 0.7.0) as a normal release (pre-release remains unchecked in GitHub).