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All Known Config Settings (WIP)

Stephen G Tuggy edited this page May 13, 2022 · 1 revision
Section Subsection Setting Name Data Type Default Value
AI assist_friend_in_need bool true
AI HullDamageAnger int32_t 10
AI HullPercentForComm float 0.75F
AI ShieldDamageAnger int32_t 1
audio afterburner_gain float 0.5F
audio ai_high_quality_weapon bool false
audio ai_sound bool true
audio audio_max_distance float 1000000.0F
audio audio_ref_distance float 4000.0F
audio automatic_docking_zone string "automatic_landing_zone.wav"
audio battleplaylist string "battle.m3u"
audio buzzing_distance float 5.0F
audio buzzing_needs_afterburner bool false
audio buzzing_time float 5.0F
audio cache_songs string "../music/land.ogg"
audio cross_fade_music bool true
audio Doppler bool false
audio DopplerScale float 1.0F
audio every_other_mount bool false
audio explosion_closeness float 0.8F
audio exterior_weapon_gain float 0.35F
audio frequency int32_t 48000
audio high_quality_weapon bool true
audio loading_sound string "../music/loading.ogg"
audio lossplaylist string "loss.m3u"
audio loss_relationship float -0.1F
audio MaxSingleSounds int32_t 8
audio MaxTotalSounds int32_t 20
audio max_range_to_hear_weapon_fire double 100000.0
audio min_weapon_sound_refire float 0.2F
audio missionvictorysong string "../music/victory.ogg"
audio Music bool true
audio music_layers int32_t 1
audio music_muting_fadein float 0.5F
audio music_muting_fadeout float 0.2F
audio music_volume float 0.5F
audio music_volume_down_latency float 2.0F
audio music_volume_up_latency float 15.0F
audio newssong string "../music/news1.ogg"
audio panicplaylist string "panic.m3u"
audio peaceplaylist string "peace.m3u"
audio Positional bool true
audio shuffle_songs bool true
audio shuffle_songs.clear_history_on_list_change bool true
audio shuffle_songs.history_depth size_t 5U
audio Sound bool true
audio sound_gain float 0.5F
audio threadtime int32_t 1
audio time_between_music float 180.0F
audio victoryplaylist string "victory.m3u"
audio victory_relationship float 0.5F
audio Volume float 100.0F
audio weapon_gain float 0.25F
cockpitaudio automatic_landing_zone string "als"
cockpitaudio automatic_landing_zone1 string "als"
cockpitaudio automatic_landing_zone2 string "als"
cockpitaudio autopilot_available string "autopilot_available"
cockpitaudio autopilot_disabled string "autopilot_disabled"
cockpitaudio autopilot_enabled string "autopilot"
cockpitaudio autopilot_unavailable string "autopilot_unavailable"
cockpitaudio comm string "vdu_c"
cockpitaudio comm_preload bool false
cockpitaudio compress_change string "compress_burst"
cockpitaudio compress_interval int32_t 3
cockpitaudio compress_loop string "compress_loop"
cockpitaudio compress_max int32_t 3
cockpitaudio compress_stop string "compress_end"
cockpitaudio docking_complete string "docking_complete"
cockpitaudio docking_denied string "request_denied"
cockpitaudio docking_failed string "docking_failed"
cockpitaudio docking_granted string "request_granted"
cockpitaudio examine string "vdu_b"
cockpitaudio jump_engaged string "jump"
cockpitaudio manifest string "vdu_a"
cockpitaudio missile_switch string "vdu_d"
cockpitaudio objective string "vdu_c"
cockpitaudio overload string "overload"
cockpitaudio overload_stopped string "overload_stopped"
cockpitaudio repair string "vdu_a"
cockpitaudio scanning string "vdu_c"
cockpitaudio shield string "vdu_d"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_1 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_2 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_3 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_4 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_5 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_6 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_7 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_8 string "\n"
cockpitaudio sounds_extension_9 string "\n"
cockpitaudio target string "vdu_b"
cockpitaudio target_reverse string "vdu_a"
cockpitaudio undocking_complete string "undocking_complete"
cockpitaudio undocking_failed string "undocking_failed"
cockpitaudio vdu_static string "vdu_static"
cockpitaudio view string "vdu_b"
cockpitaudio weapon_switch string "vdu_d"
general audio_atom float 0.05555555556F
general command_interpretor bool false
general custompython string "import custom;custom.processMessage"
general debug_config bool true
general debug_fs uint8_t 0U
general default_mission string "test/test1.mission"
general deleteoldsystems bool true
general dockingtime float 20.0F
general docking_fee Currency 0.00
general empty_mission string "internal.mission"
general force_anonymous_mission_names bool true
general fuel_docking_fee Currency 0.00
general galaxy string "milky_way.xml"
general garbagecollectfrequency int32_t 20
general intro1 Rich Text "Welcome to Vega Strike! Use ...."
general intro2 Rich Text "The #8080FFt#000000 key targets objects;...
general intro3 Rich Text "go to another star system, buy a jump ..."
general intro4 Rich Text "wireframe jump-point and press ..."
general intro5 Rich Text "When you get close a green box will appear...."
general jump_key_delay float 0.125F
general load_last_savegame bool false
general new_game_save_name string "New_Game"
general numoldsystems int32_t 6
general PercentageSpeedChangeToFaultSearch float 0.5F
general persistent_mission_across_ship_switch bool true
general pitch float 0.0F
general quick_savegame_summaries bool true
general quick_savegame_summaries_buffer size_t 16384U
general remember_savegame bool true
general remove_downgrades_less_than_percent float 0.9F
general remove_impossible_downgrades bool true
general roll float 0.0F
general simulation_atom float 0.1F
general times_to_show_help_screen int32_t 3
general trade_interface_tracks_prices bool true
general trade_interface_tracks_prices_toprank size_t 10U
general verbose_output uint8_t 0U
general wheel_increment_lines int32_t 3
general while_loading_starsystem bool false
general write_savegame_on_exit bool true
general yaw float 0.0F
graphics automatic_landing_zone_warning string "comm_docking.ani"
graphics automatic_landing_zone_warning1 string "comm_docking.ani"
graphics automatic_landing_zone_warning2 string "comm_docking.ani"
graphics automatic_landing_zone_warning_text Rich Text "Now Entering an \"Automatic Landing Zone\"."
graphics draw_heading_marker bool false
graphics (hud) draw_rendered_crosshairs bool true
graphics hud AlreadyNearMessage Rich Text "#ff0000Already Near#000000"
graphics hud armor_hull_size float 0.55F
graphics hud AsteroidsNearMessage Rich Text "#ff0000Asteroids Near#000000"
graphics hud basename:basename bool true
graphics hud BoxLineThickness float 1.0F
graphics hud completed_objectives_last bool true
graphics hud crosshairs_on_chasecam bool false
graphics hud crosshairs_on_padlock bool false
graphics hud damage_report_heading Rich Text "#00ff00DAMAGE REPORT\n\n"
graphics hud debug_position bool false
graphics hud DiamondLineThickness float 1.0F
graphics hud DiamondRotationSpeed float 1.0F
graphics hud DiamondSize float 2.05F
graphics hud display_relative_velocity bool true
graphics hud display_warp_energy_if_no_jump_drive bool true
graphics hud drawAllTargetBoxes bool false
graphics hud drawAlwaysITTS bool false
graphics hud drawLineToITTS bool false
graphics hud drawLineToTarget bool false
graphics hud drawLineToTargetsTarget bool false
graphics hud drawNavSymbol bool false
graphics hud drawNavSymbol bool false
graphics hud DrawTacticalTarget bool false
graphics hud DrawTargettingBoxes bool true
graphics hud DrawTargettingBoxesInside bool true
graphics hud draw_arrow_on_chasecam bool true
graphics hud draw_arrow_on_pancam bool false
graphics hud draw_arrow_on_pantgt bool false
graphics hud draw_arrow_to_target bool true
graphics hud draw_blips_on_both_radar bool false
graphics hud draw_damage_sprite bool true
graphics hud draw_gravitational_objects bool true
graphics hud draw_nav_grid bool true
graphics hud draw_significant_blips bool true
graphics hud draw_star_direction bool true
graphics hud draw_unit_on_chasecam bool true
graphics hud draw_vdu_view_shields bool true
graphics hud draw_weapon_sprite bool false
graphics hud EnemyNearMessage Rich Text "#ff0000Enemy Near#000000"
graphics hud gun_list_columns int32_t 1
graphics hud invert_friendly_shields bool false
graphics hud invert_friendly_sprite bool false
graphics hud invert_target_shields bool false
graphics hud invert_target_sprite bool false
graphics hud invert_view_shields bool false
graphics hud ITTSForBeams bool false
graphics hud ITTSForLockable bool false
graphics hud ITTSLineToMarkAlpha float 0.1F
graphics hud ITTSUseAverageGunSpeed bool true
graphics hud LockCenterCrosshair bool false
graphics hud LockConfirmLineLength float 1.5F
graphics hud manifest_heading Rich Text "Manifest\n"
graphics hud MaxMissileBracketSize float 2.05F
graphics hud message_prefix Rich Text ""
graphics hud MinMissileBracketSize float 1.05F
graphics hud min_lock_box_size float 0.001F
graphics hud min_radarblip_size float 0.0F
graphics hud min_target_box_size float 0.01F
graphics hud mounts_list_empty string ""
graphics hud NavCrossLineThickness float 1.0F
graphics hud not_included_in_damage_report string "plasteel_hull tungsten_hull isometal_hull"
graphics hud out_of_cone_distance bool false
graphics hud PadlockViewLag float 1.5F
graphics hud PadlockViewLagFixZone float 0.0872F
graphics hud PlanetNearMessage Rich Text "#ff0000Planetary Hazard Near#000000"
graphics hud print_damage_percent bool true
graphics hud print_faction bool true
graphics hud print_fg_name bool true
graphics hud print_fg_sub_id bool false
graphics hud print_request_docking bool true
graphics hud print_ship_type bool true
graphics hud projectile_means_missile bool false
graphics hud radarRange float
graphics hud radarType string "WC"
graphics hud radar_search_extra_radius float 1000.0F
graphics hud RotatingBracketInner bool true
graphics hud RotatingBracketSize float 0.58F
graphics hud RotatingBracketWidth float 0.1F
graphics hud scale_relationship_color float 10.0F
graphics hud shield_vdu_fade bool true
graphics hud shield_vdu_thresh0 float (varies)
graphics hud shield_vdu_thresh1 float (varies)
graphics hud shield_vdu_thresh2 float (varies)
graphics hud show_negative_blips_as_positive bool true
graphics hud simple_manifest bool false
graphics hud StarshipNearMessage Rich Text "#ff0000Starship Near#000000"
graphics hud switchToTargetModeOnKey bool true
graphics hud switch_back_from_comms bool true
graphics hud TacTargetFoci float 0.5F
graphics hud TacTargetLength float 0.1F
graphics hud TacTargetThickness float 1.0F
graphics hud text_background_alpha float 0.0625F
graphics hud top_view bool false
graphics hud untarget_beyond_cone bool false
physics autoeject_percent float 0.5F
physics debris_time float 500.0F
physics difficulty_based_enemy_damage bool true
physics eject_cargo_percent float 1.0F
physics indiscriminate_system_destruction float 0.25F
physics max_dumped_cargo uint32_t 15U
physics nebula_shield_recharge float 0.5F
physics no_damage_to_docked_ships bool true
physics player_autoeject bool true
physics system_damage_on_armor bool false
sound dj_script string "modules/"