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V1189 Console Commands
ThiconZ edited this page Nov 26, 2021
1 revision
The following is a list of all Console Commands (cmds/funcs) in the Firefall V1189 R29521v2 Client.
Syntax displayed is < cmd name > : < help description >
bind: Binds a key to a console command
BuildShader: Build a shader and output the contents to the console
Clear: Clear the console
ClearModelCache: Clear the omesh cache on disk.
clearnetviews: Clear all network views currently instantiated on the client
ClearShaderCache: Clear the shader cache on disk. Note that shaders already loaded into memory are not cleared.
ClearVTCache: Clears all unlocked virtual texture tiles
cmdlist: Alias of ListFuncs
combatLogEnd: Stops logging combat to disk
combatLogStart: Begins logging combat to a file (defaults to [Zone]_([Date]).txt)
cvarlist: Alias of ListVars
DiffTexturesMark: Mark the start of a texture diff
DiffTexturesPrint: Print out texture changes between now and the last call to DiffTexturesMark
Do: Execute the contents of a console variable
drawghost: Toggle drawing character/vehicle/etc ghost
DumpTextures: Dump all resident textures to disk
eval: Invoke a debug event with the first argument
Exec: Load a file into the command buffer
Find: Find a cvar or command
GenShaderGlobals: Generates the shadermodules/globals/engine.shdmod file
gscmd: Issue a command to the connected GSS
gscmdto: Issue a gscmd, to a targeted character name
HashInfo: Print debug info about the console hash tables
Help: Print help information about a console command
Inc: Increment a variable's value
lg_DestroyVehicle: Destroys the local vehicle
lg_SpawnDeployable: Create a deployable object
lg_SpawnPlayer: Create a player character
lg_SpawnVehicle: Create a vehicle at the current camera position
lg_teleport: teleport to location
ListAnimations: Print some debug information about loaded animation networks.
ListFuncs: Displays a list of all console functions
ListMaterials: 'ListMaterials [sort] [filter]' lists materials. [sort] os (size), or (refCount), io (index), on (name), oc (category). 'ListMaterials [n]' lists info for n-th entry.
ListModels: 'ListModels [sort] [filter]' lists models. [sort] os (size), or (refCount), oi (index), on (name), oc (category). 'ListModels [n]' lists info for n-th entry.
listnetviews: List the network views currently instantiated on the client (what's in scope)
ListScenes: List all loaded scenes, or print info on a specific one
ListShaders: 'ListShaders [sort] [filter]' lists shaders. [sort] os (size), or (refCount), oi (index), on (name), oc (category). 'ListShaders [n]' lists info for n-th entry.
ListTextures: 'ListTextures [sort] [filter]' lists textures. [sort] os (size), or (refCount), oi (index), on (name), oc (category).
ListVars: Displays a list of all variables and their values
LoadModel: Load a model
LoadShader: Load a shader
LoadTexture: Load a texture
loc: Displays your current position
loglevel: loglevel <system> <level>
macro_Clear: Clears the macro buffer
macro_Load: Loads macro buffer from file.
macro_Play: Executes the macro buffer
macro_Save: Saves macro buffer to file.
macro_StartRecording: Starts recording a macro
macro_StopRecording: Stops recording macro
macro_View: Prints macro buffer to console
matrix_logmessages: Use 0/1 to disable or enable logging all messages to the console.
matrix_netstat: Print networking statistics for our matrix socket.
matrix_sendpreferenc: Updates matrix preferences and sends them upstream.
mxcmd: Issue a command to the connected Matrix
Nuke: Exit back to the OS (uncleanly)
Parse: Prints out the list of arguments passed in
ping: Send a ping to GSS and out to all remote players that can...
Print: Print text to the console
PrintConfig: Print the contents of a config file
PrintD3DCaps: Print D3D device capabilities
PrintD3DFormats: Print a list of engine formats and their corresponding Direct3D format for this video card
PrintLn: Print text + \n to the console
pwd: Displays the current directory
pwd2: Displays the write directory
Quit: Exit back to the OS
RD_Reset: Reset the renderer
RD_Shutdown: Shutdown the renderer
ReadGamepadCommands: Reads a list of gamepad commands from GamepadCommands.xml which are then selectable at the console using the D-pad
ReloadLocalAssetOverride: Reloads the local assets override file localassets/localassetoverride.txt
ReloadMaterials: Reload all materials (no argument) or a single material (given by file name or index)
ReloadModels: Reload all models (no arguments) or a specific one (index or filename)
ReloadParticleDefinitions: Reload all particle definitions (no arguments) or a specific one (index or filename)
ReloadShaderIncludes: Reload the shader include HLSL files. Changes do not take effect until the materials are reloaded also. See ClearShaderCache.
ReloadShaderModules: Reload shader modules
ReloadShaders: Reload all shaders (no arguments) or a specific one (index or filename)
ReloadTextures: Reload all textures (no arguments) or a specific one (index or filename)
reloadui: reload the GUI
replay_playback_begin: Plays back a previously recorded replay file. Args: filename, profileDemo(1/0) to record profile stats)
replay_playback_end: Terminates playback of the game replay
replay_playback_gettime: Prints out the playback time of the game replay
replay_playback_setscale: Sets the playback timescale of the game replay
replay_playback_settime: Sets the playback time of the game replay
replay_record_begin: Begins recording a game replay, optionally to a specific filename
replay_record_end: Stops recording a game replay
screenmode: Set the screen mode. params(int width, int height, {0=windowed,1=fullscreen,2=maximized,3=max_notitle})
screenshot: Takes a screenshot to a file
Set: Set a variable to a given value
SetLogFilter: Sets a filter which determines what gets logged to the windows console
SetSave: Set a variable to a given value and flag it to be saved into settings.con (see eng_autoSaveConfigName)
ShdmodInfo: Lists present shader modules, or gives info about a specific one
ShdmodList: Alias of ShdmodInfo
Sleep: Temporarily suspends the application. Usage: Sleep <milliseconds>
socmd: Issue a command to the social server
statscmd: Issue a command to the stats server
TestXML: Test an XML file for errors
Toggle: Toggle a variable's value
ui_aag_enable: Enable AAG components in game
ui_alpha: global ui alpha
ui_autoscale: automatically scale the UI scale factor
ui_callbacks: toggle logging of UI callbacks
ui_events: enable/disable logging of UI events
ui_load_component: load a specific component
ui_locale: set UI language
ui_outlines: enable/disable drawing UI outlines
ui_reloadfx: Reload the GUI shaders from the FX file
ui_take_screenshot: Take a screenshot and send ON_SCREENSHOT to the component specified
ui_unload_all_compon: unload all active components
ui_unload_component: unload a specified component
uiscale: Set the UI scale factor
unbind: Removes a binded key from any console command
UnloadAnimations: Unload unreferenced animation network definitions.
Unsave: Prevent a variable from being written to settings.con (see eng_autoSaveConfigName)
ViewXML: View tags in an XML file
Wait: Delay execution of the command buffer for N frames (N==1 by default)
WaitMs: Delay execution of the commander buffer for N milliseconds
warp_Clear: Clears a named location
warp_ClearAll: Clears all the warp locations from memory
warp_List: Lists all the names of warp locations in memory
warp_Load: Loads positions from file to memory
warp_Mark: Assigns a name to a location
warp_Save: Saves positions from memory to file
warp_To: Warps to a named location
WriteConfig: Save out a user config file
WriteTexture: Save a texture to a file (get a list of texture with "ListTextures")