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Messages Character
Xsear edited this page Oct 21, 2023
18 revisions
- Triggered by the UI.
- The server can respond with FetchQueueInfo_Response.
- Triggered by the UI function
, and maybeGame.QueueRandom
- Triggered by the UI function
- Triggered by the UI when the world map is opened.
- Triggered by the client when it wants to pick up loot.
- The server can respond by sending SimulateLootPickup to the local Character BaseController, and LootObjectCollected to the remote AeraVisualData LootObjectView.
- Sent continuously (~20 times per second) from Character BaseController with details about the character movement.
- The server response is presumed to be ConfirmedPoseUpdate to the local player.
- Sent from Character CombatController, seemingly in cases where the client thinks the local player should not be able to fire their weapon.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the local player presses the fire button.
- The server can use the received timestamp to update remote Character CombatView WeaponBurstFired.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the local player releases the fire button.
- The server can use the received timestamp to update remote Character CombatView WeaponBurstEnded.
- Sent from Character CombatController in some cases?
- The server can use the received timestamp to update remote Character CombatView WeaponBurstCancelled.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the local player weapon simulation believes a new projectile should be sent.
- The server can use the received timestamp and aim vector to send WeaponProjectileFired for remote Character CombatView.
- This message is also sent when firing ability projectiles.
- Sent from Character CombatController in some cases where the local player projectile simulation believes a projectile has hit a target.
- We don't know the full purpose of this message, there seems to be several problems with it:
- We don't know how or if the message contents refer to the target that was actually hit.
- It does not always trigger. For example, it does not seem to trigger if the projectiles are fired at deployables or vehicles.
- If there is a second target directly behind the first target, there are some cases where the client sends messages for both targets, whilst the visuals indicate only the first target being hit.
- The server can use the received information to send ProjectileHitReported to remote Character CombatView.
- Sent from Character CombatController in appropriate cases where the local player uses a weapon with an alternate fire mode and activates that fire mode by pressing/holding down alt fire.
- An example of a weapon supporting this is Heavy Machine Guns.
- The server can use the received information to update the local Character CombatController FireMode_0, and remote Character CombatView FireMode_0.
- Sent from Character CombatController in appropriate cases where the local player uses a weapon with a scope and activates it by pressing/holding down the scope / alt fire button.
- The server can use the received information to update the local Character CombatController FireMode_1, and remote Character CombatView FireMode_1.
- A status effect related to the scope should also be applied.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the local player switches between their equipped weapons.
- The server can use the received information to update the local Character CombatController WeaponIndex, and remote Character CombatView WeaponIndex.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the local weapon simulation is reloading the weapon.
- The server can use the received timestamp to update remote Character CombatView WeaponReloaded.
- Sent from Character CombatController in some cases?
- The server can use the received timestamp to update remote Character CombatView WeaponReloadCancelled.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the client wants to activate an ability.
- The client communicates the ability slot index that it wants to activate. There is also some optional data that allows for specifying a target.
- The server can respond with AbilityActivated.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the client wants to deactivate an ability.
- The client communicates the ability slot index that it wants to deactivate.
- Not sure of an example for characters, but for vehicles, an example is the horn ability, which is activate only as long as the button is held.
- Sent from Character CombatController when the client wants to activate an item.
- The client communicates the item id that it wants to activate.
- In the case of a vehicle item, which can be placed both on the consumables bar and be equipped into the vehicle loadout slot, if the vehicle is on the consumable bar, then ActivateConsumable will be sent, even if the user activates it by pressing the respective ability button.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the client wants to stop being attached, such as exiting from a vehicle.
- The server can respond with ExitingAttachment and then making the necessary shadowfield updates to the respective views.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the client wants to perform an emote.
- The server can respond by updating EmoteID on the local Character BaseController and remote Character ObserverView.
- Sent from Character BaseController or Character SpecatorController through the UI functions
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player toggles the flashlight.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player selects a loadout from a battleframe station.
- There does not seem to be any specific response, the server can just update the data of the Character.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player is downed and presses E to call for help.
- The server can use the received time to send CalledForHelp on remote Character ObserverView.
- Send by client when UI triggers
- Sent by the client when the player presses join group bounty.
- Sent by the client via the UI function
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player tries to calldown a vehicle.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player tries to calldown a deployable.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player tries to calldown a thumper.
- Sent from Character BaseController when local player uses a scan hammer.
- Presumably related to FoundResourceAreas
- Sent from Character BaseController when local player uses a scan hammer.
- Related to GeographicalReportResponse
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player is near possibly interactable entities.
- The server can respond with AddOrUpdateInteractives or RemoveInteractives.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the UI function
is called (at least on the first call). - Related to ResourceLocationInfosResponse
- Sent from Character BaseController when local player walks over a CarryableObject for which pickup_by_interaction = 0.
- Sent by the client when certain cvars are changed, for example when
is activated.
- Sent by the client when changing
. - Sent by the client when executing
in the console.
- Sent from Character BaseController when the local player has been downed and the state allows them to request respawn.
- Sent from Character BaseController when player drags an item into a loadoutslot in the inventory loadout (UI function
). - The server can respond with SlotGearResponse.
- Sent from Character BaseController when player accepts visuals in Battleframe Garage. (UI function
?) - The server can respond with SlotVisualMultiResponse.
- Sent from Character BaseController when player requests to teleport to an outpost on the world map (UI function
- Sent from Character BaseController when player tries to swap seats in a vehicle.
- Sent when client types /teaminvite
- Sent from Character BaseController when player tries to purchase an item at a vendor. UI function
- Sent to Character BaseController to provide data for
- Sent to Character BaseController to generate XP floating text.
- Sent to Character BaseController to provide xp and level for all frames.
- Can be sent to Character CombatView to trigger a projectile. The receiving clients will presume it is fired with the weapon equipped at the time.
- Related to FireWeaponProjectile.
- Can be sent to Character CombatView to trigger a projectile with any ammo type.
- Related to FireWeaponProjectile.
- Can be sent to Character CombatView.
- Related to ReportProjectileHit. See more notes there.
- Can be sent to Character ObserverView. Triggers a jump animation.
- Can be sent to Character ObserverView.
- Can be sent to Character ObserverView.
- Related to CallForHelp
- Sent to Character CombatController when the local player takes damage.
- Sent to Character CombatController when the local player deals damage to other targets.
- Triggers floating combat text.
- Has optimizations that allow "repeating" previously sent hits if the data would be the same.
- Sent to Character ObserverView to update remote pose.
- Sent to Character BaseController to update local pose.
- Sent to Character CombatController to trigger predefined adjustments/behavior to pose.
- There are ~13 types.
- Type 1 allows directly forcing pos, dir and vel to desired values (good for teleportation).
- Type 5 forces vel to desired values and is used to launch the player before enabling glider.
- Sent to Character CombatController to confirm ability activation.
- InstantActivationCommand is a good sender.
- Sent to Character CombatController to make entities interactable for the local player.
- Sent to Character CombatController to make remove previously interactable entities for the local player.
- Sent to Character CombatController to indicate an interaction the local player interaction is completed.
- Sent to Character BaseController, for both the initial full-state transfer of inventory data, as well as for subsequent updates.
- Notably this also includes Loadouts, the items equipped by the players frames.
- Sent to Character BaseController for bot the initial full-state transfer of unlocks data, as well as for subsequent updates.
- Unlocks covers a wide range, including character slots, supporter packs, missions, and the general "certificates".
- Sent to Character BaseController when the local player loots an item.
- Related to CollectLoot
- Sent to Character BaseController to trigger a Reward Screen hud note.
- Sent to Character BaseController. Triggers the UI event
. - Results can also be retrieved with the UI function
. - Seems kinda legacy.
- Sent to Character BaseController in response to GeographicalReportRequest.
- Triggers the UI event
if valid is true. - Triggers the UI event
if valid is false.
- Sent to Character CombatController to switch to another equipped weapon. Useful during loadout changes.
- Sent to Character BaseController when the local player levels up. Triggers fx and hud notes.