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Pierre Olivier edited this page Apr 22, 2024 · 9 revisions

Here are a few documents related to HermiTux:

  • A Binary-Compatible Unikernel, the original paper describing HermiTux, published in the proceedings of VEE'19.
  • A Syscall-Level Binary-Compatible Unikernel, an extension of the original VEE paper that appeared in IEEE Transaction on Computers.
  • Optimizing Boot Times and Enhancing Binary Compatibility for Unikernels, Daniel Chiba's MS thesis.
  • Binary-Compatibility with Linux Application for a Unikernel Written in Rust, project report by Christopher Densham exploring the port of a unikernel written in Rust, RustyHermit to be binary-compatible with Linux applications. This report focuses on loading the binary and preparing the stack for the application execution.
  • Binary-Compatibility with Linux Application for a Unikernel Written in Rust, project report by Laurent Pool, also regarding the port of RustyHermit, focusing on syscall implementation in Rust.
  • Applying OS Fuzzing Techniques to Unikernels, project report by Oliver Dunk regarding fuzzing unikernels including HermiTux.
  • Evaluating unikernels for HPC applications, graduation project report by Pierre Jacquot studying HermiTux and HermitCore support for HPC applications.
  • Investigating Application Compatibility in Prototype Operating Systems, project report by Vlad-Radu Schiller investigating tools to help developping compatibility layers.
  • Assessing Scalability and Performance Isolation of Lightweight Virtualization Systems, A project report studying scalability and performance isolation of various virtualization technologies including unikernels.

For more documents regarding unikernel, see here.