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Ian Karanja edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 4 revisions

Multigroup tool allows the creation of unique combinations of doors and windows. e.g.

Window-Door Window-Door-Window
Screenshot from 2020-12-14 10-20-34 Screenshot from 2020-12-14 10-21-17

Context requirements:

  1. Edit Mode - user must be in edit mode on an active object.

Object can be any mesh generated by a user.

  1. Face(s) Selection - user must have one or more faces selected.

Face(s) must be strictly rectangular.

Face normals must have a zero as the Z component i.e not upward/downward facing.


Multigroup components(door/windows) are controlled through the component property which expects a string with any combination of d and w characters. e.g wdw would create a Window-Door-Window multigroup.


  1. Size & Offset - Provides options to manipulate the size and placement of multigroups.


  1. Arraying - Allows users to place multiple evenly spaced multigroups on a single face.


  1. Arch - This allows the creation of an arch along the top frame.


  1. Fill types - Provide general decorative elements placed on the multigroup surfaces.
Glass Panes Louvers Panels
multi-fill-glass multi-fill-louver multi-fill-panels

The features mentioned above can be used in any combination to produce the desired multigroup elements. Extra options have been omitted for brevity but their use should be obvious through experimentation.

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