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Ian Karanja edited this page Dec 16, 2020 · 2 revisions

The balcony tool allows users to create extended building elements with optional railing.

Grouped Balcony Ungrouped Balcony
balcony-grouped balcony-ungrouped

Context requirements:

  1. Edit Mode - user must be in edit mode on an active object.

Object can be any mesh generated by a user.

  1. Face(s) Selection - user must have one or more faces selected.

Face normals must have a zero as the Z component i.e not upward/downward facing.


The balcony tool operates in two modes, grouped and ungrouped. In the grouped mode, which is activated by enabling the Group Selection checkbox, adjacent selected faces will share a balcony as seen in the picture above. In ungrouped mode, each face selection is given an independent balcony.

  1. Size & Offset - Provides options to manipulate the size and placement of balconies.


  1. Railing - Provides rail options to be used as balcony boundary.
Posts Walls Rails
balcony-posts balcony-wall balcony-rails
Posts without bottom rail Wall without bottom rail
balcony-posts-nb balcony-wall_nb

Extra options have been omitted for brevity but their use should be obvious through experimentation.

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