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Melvin Carvalho edited this page Jan 10, 2019 · 11 revisions

White Papers and Standards

The following is a collection of white papers and standards that will be used to scale bitmark to the web. The aim is to become the leading crypto currency focused on linked data, the semantic web, decentralized identity and trust / reputation systems.

Benefits include:

  • Decentralized Identity
  • Ricardian Contracts
  • Web Based Smart Contracts
  • Scaling to trillions of devices
  • Decentralized storage and transport
  • Decentralized Reputation and web of trust
  • Browser integration
  • Linking to other web based eco systems (e.g. chat, social networks, media) via the Semantic Web

A more pragmatic Web 3.0: Linked Blockchain Data

A more pragmatic Web 3.0: Linked Blockchain Data


Linked Data is proclaimed as the Semantic Web done right. The Semantic Web is an incomplete dream so far, but a homogeneous revolutionary platform as a network of Blockhains could be the solution to this not optimal reality. This research paper introduces some initial hints about how a futuristic Internet that may be composed and powered by Blockchains networks would be constructed and designed to interconnect data and meaning, therefore allow reasoning. An industrial application where Blockchain and Linked Data fits perfect as a Supply Chain management system is also researched


A scalable protocol for anchoring data in the blockchain and generating blockchain receipts


A standard for maximizing the scalability of anchoring data in the blockchain and generating blockchain receipts. Each receipt contains the information needed to verify the data without relying on a trusted third party. The original Chainpoint 1.0 specification has been updated based on a year of learning.

Webscale, Fit for Purpose Blockchains


At some point in the next 5-10 years there will be tens to hundreds of thousands of blockchains. Like databases today, each blockchain will be specifically tuned to its problem domain. There will also be a need for standards related to how these systems interoperate. Successful standards (e.g. TCP, IP, JSON, HTML) tend to be layered, modular, and solve a fairly small problem domain. This paper explores the types of modular standards that may be useful in a predicted future blockchain ecosystem containing tens to hundreds of thousands of interoperable blockchains.

Link :

WebID identity and Discovery


WebID is a decentralized identity system where agents are donated by an HTTP URI with a fragment id, creating a decentralized web of trust. It is easily extensible to allow any type of URI.

Link :

  • Status: Complete, with implementations
  • Standard Group: W3C WebID CG



Webcredits is an extremely simple way to model decentralized payments, balances and wallets on the world wide web, using Linked Data. This specification deals with credits between counterparites, a ledger that stores balances, and a wallet to allow discovery.

Link :

  • Status: Proof of concept, with implementation
  • Standard Group: W3C Payments CG



Solid (derived from "social linked data") is a proposed set of conventions and tools for building decentralized Web applications based on Linked Data principles. Solid is modular and extensible. It relies as much as possible on existing W3C standards and protocols.

Link :