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Melvin Carvalho edited this page Dec 14, 2016 · 17 revisions

Bitmark Passport

Bitmark Passport


Bitmark passport is a decentralized Web 3.0 Identity that is controlled by the user. It is based on the WebID specification but can extend beyond HTTP URIs to include, phone, email. irc, public keys, certificates and many other identity systems. All eco systems are linked together via the Profile document.


Many different types of authentication are supported as listed below.

1. WebID TLS

WebID TLS is a strong authentication protocol based on X.509. It has the advantage of strong private keys controlled by the user, and is compatible with all modern browsers. It is the first auth method supported by bitmark passport, but there will be many more.

Generating a key pair

Key pairs are typically based on 2048 bit RSA keys that live inside an X.509 certificate. Most identity providers allow generation of a key pair or it can be done manually.

openssl can also be used to create a key pair


openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048

openssl req -new -x509 -key private.key -sha256 -out certificate.pem -days 36500

openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.p12 -inkey private.key -in certificate.pem -certfile certificate.pem

Add to public key to homepage as per webid spec

Additional fields

  • Name (recommended)
  • email (optional)
  • Social network accounts (optional)
  • Public key (recommended)
  • Crypto addresses (optional)
  • QR Code (generated)


What we can do is take a hash of the canonical form of certain fields (ie public key) and put it in the block chain. If the user wants. This gives a proof of longevity. The older the ID is a vector for reputation.

Could even do a proof of burn, to protect against sock puppets.

Identity Providers

Currently recommended Identity Providers:

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